Jinyoung #3

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  You cried out angrily staring at the photo in your hands feeling hot tears fall from your eyes.
"I can't believe you left without a goodbye" you mumbled angrily looking at the photo of you and your best friend, Jinyoung, he left to tour with out a goodbye.
"And I can't believe you believed her over me" you said standing up from your spot on the floor sitting on the bed.
You were talking about his so called 'girlfriend' who cheated on him but he didn't believe you one bit and believed her instead over you that's what broke your heart the most, your best friend that you have known since you were basically in diapers chose a girl who he has been dating for 2 months over you, his best friend.

"WHY DIDN'T YOU BELIEVE ME?!" You yelled out standing up from the bed throwing the picture to the ground and walked over to your other pictures you had on him and threw them to the ground.
I grabbed the lighter and lit a picture on fire before throwing it to the pile not caring if you die , your were so depressed you just didn't care anymore.  You sat on the floor by the bed leaning against it looking at the fire slowly grow slowly more and more.
You stated at it feeling a lot more hot tears run down your face.
"He doesn't care about me anymore ....worst past is I'm in love with him" you said feeling your voice crack as you sobbed brining your knees up to your chest crying.
The heat began to rise up making you start to sweat and saw the curtains of your room of your house start to light on fire.
The smoke made it worse, you began to cough trying to gasp for oxygen that's when suddenly something clicked in you and you didn't know what it is was but you knew you had to get out of there.
You quickly stood up looking around for a way out only to see there wasn't it was blocked, you began to walked around coughing covers your mouth with your arm looking around feeing your eyes water from the smoke.
"H-help!" You choked out feeling weak and fell on you knees.
You began to get a flashback on you and Jinyoung.

"Jinyoung come on it will be fun!" Your 16 year old self said happily looking at your best friend Jinyoung who have you a pout.
"No! You know I don't like going to school dances! Plus it's not like any girl likes me...you already what went down when I asked Yuni she only laughed at my face before saying no and walked away" Jinyoung told you sadly you looked at him about to argue back to convince him to come when you see him lay on your bed with tears rolling down his eyes.

You grew concerned and rushed to him pulling him in a hug no questions asked.
"Hey hey ! I didn't know you felt this way about it , I'm sorry. If you want we won't go anymore I'll stay with you , the school dance can wait till next time" you tell pulling back giving him a warm smile.
Jinyoung wiped his tears and looked at you shaking his head.
"No what about your date?" He asked you laughed and creased his cheek smiling softly.
"I don't care about my date! I rather be here with you ...than be over there ..I love you too much to leave you alone " you say feeling your cheeks get warm.
"Really?" He asked looking at you beginning to smile softly.
"Yeah of course !"
Jinyoung suddenly pulled you into tight Hugh which you returned.
"I love you too y/n always, and I'll never leave you alone trust me...we might have our ups and down but just know I'll always find my way to you somehow" Jinyoung said looking deep into your eyes now grinning giving you an eye smile as well.
  You grinned and continued hugging him.

That's when you knew you were in love with Park Jinyoung your best friend.

End of flashback

You felt yourself slowly start to loose consciousness when you hear a big slam you see Jinyoung run in.
"Get out of here"you manage to choke out crying looking at him as he looked over at you in terror, Jackson suddenly appeared with a fire extinguisher , JB came with my garden house and they both began to spray everywhere making the fire die out before it got to me.
"Y/N..." Jinyoung said looking at you after tears were visible in his eyes.
"...J-Jinyoung " you croaked out giving him  a small smile, he ran to you taking you in his arms quickly.
"Get in the car now! We need to take her to the hospital!" Jinyoung yelled at JB and Jackson who nodded and they all ran out Jinyoung carry me out to their car.
"I-I'm sorry " you said sobbing before your eye sight went black.
"Y/N !!! Y/N!!"

le skip brought to you by Jackson's Rice!

You open your eyes being blinded by a bright light which made you close them again and groan covering your eyes with your arm.
"Y/N!" You hear your open your eyes again slowly this time and look to the side seeing Jinyoung there looking like he hasn't slept in day running to you from his seat to pull you in a hug.
"I'm so sorry! You honestly think I would leave you without a goodbye? I didn't leave you I went to Neiya to break up with her, I realized you were right the whole time I saw her that day ...when I chose her over you...I saw her at a bar with another guy...I'm sorry ! I'm so sorry! I just found it hard to believe since she was my first official girlfriend ever ...I feel so horrible, I'm the worst best friend ever... but I only dated her at first because...."
You stared at him waiting for him to continue seeing tears fall from his eyes which you quickly wiped away with you hand making him open his eyes and look at you..
Jinyoung did the unexpected he pulled you into a kiss full of passion and love it was slow but gently not giving you time to react.
You were in shock looking at his eyes as he looked at yours putting his forehead against your, his hands on either side of your cheeks.
"Because I was jealous...I thought you liked Youngjae ...every time I saw you with him ...I got jealous seeing how you acted around him which made me think you liked him...I was jealous because I love you Y/N ! I love you and only you... I was too dumb to not realize it before any of this happened ...I'm sorry but when I was going to your house to apologize to see it on fire with Jackson and JB I didn't know what I thought while I ran in the fire for you... my only thought was you and I needed you, I needed to get you or because I need you in my life Y/N "

You cried sitting up from the hospital bed pulling into another hug rubbing his back.
"It's okay Jinyoung I forgive you...because I need you too,  I love you Park Jinyoung " you said before pulling him into a passionate kiss feeling him kiss back.
After a few seconds you pulled back smiling at each other not looking away from each other's gazes.
"Will you be mine Y/N?" He asked quietly for only you both to hear, you grin pecking his lips slightly.
"Of course, I'd love that" you replied he grinned pulling you into a quick hug before pulling back.
"You get discharged tomorrow, you were out for almost a week"
"A WEEK?!"
"ahah yeah, but what's important is that I have you here with me now" he said making you smile over at him blushing at his words.

And that was the beginning of yours and Jinyoung's love story....


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