Jackson #1

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It's my birthday !!!!😌🎂💓 i decided to give y'all a gift !
Your POV.

"JACKSON" you yell running after him as he has slapped you butt while you were making a sandwich, he ran away to the backyard laughing his lungs off.
You were just about to jump on him when you got suddenly attacked by a bee so you quickly turned the other way running a good distance away from where it was only for it to chase you so you screamed louder and made a run for it back intro your house you share with Jackson also known as your fiancée.
You shut the door just in time as Jackson was also running back yelling running away from the bee.
You smirked feeling this should be your payback as you stood at the other side of the glass sliding door with your arms crossed.
"Should I?"
"PLEASE THE BEE ISN'T LEAVING ME—AHHH" Jackson began swinging his hands around him almost as if he was having a Dragon Ball Z fight with the air as the bee tried to go on him.
You sighed and unlocked the door that he had heard and ran inside slamming the glass door behind him.
Jackson look at you and glared while you smiled at him before walking away to making your sandwich while you hear him walking behind you quietly.

"You're mean"

You laugh hearing this, that's nothing new.

"No I'm not, you slapped my butt first"

"But I can't help it!!"

"Yes you can, control you horny ass"

"whAT? Horny? I'm not ! I can't even slap your butt a little ?"


"Not even a little tap?"


"Not one pinch ?"

"What the fu—Jackson !!"

I hear his laugh and felt him hug me from behind making me slowly start to smile.
"I'm kidding. I love you"

That made you feel warm inside as you leaned against his chest looking up kissing under his chin quickly.
"I love you to—"


You were shocked at the sudden feeling of Jackson slapping you but again hearing him scream and laugh at the same time running away.
"But I love your butt too!!""


And you had ran after him with a Pan in your hands....

*the end*😂😂


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