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I quickly pulled into the parking lot of the small ice cream shop. Although the blues, pinks, purples, and yellows were faded and chipped, this place held a special place in my heart and always will. I grabbed my purse with everything I needed inside of if, then walked with everyone into the shop. 

^Ugh, more costumers.^

"Welcome," an obviously forced cheery voice squeaked as we entered. 

We all sat down at a couple tables pushed together as we looked though the menus filled with every assortment of ice cream you could imagine. One of the waitresses made her way up to our table with a pencil and paper pad in her hand. As much as she tried, the forced smile on her face was very clear. 

"What can I get you folks to eat or drink," she 'cheerfully' asked.

We all ordered our separate things, then talked while they were made and brought to us. 

"How was your day, mom," I asked, smiling at my mother while everyone else listened.

"It was okay, your father got off work early and I was able to get some cleaning done in the house." 

I nodded. "Good, sounds like fun," I said, laughing. "What about the rest of you," I again asked motioning towards everyone else.

"Not much, just school. Although some of the new kids are kinda cute," my brother Sam said. 

I laughed at his remark, "That's nice, now you actually have to talk to them," I added. 

We all shared a laugh or two, even though they could tell something was obviously not right. Interrupting my thought, the waitress came up with all of our ice creams on a large tray, handing us all our separate cones. Just as I thought, when everything was calming down, one of the most annoying voices popped into my head. 

^I can't, he's so damn hot. Ugh, how am I going to get him? I could try to seduce him. Lucky for me he sat across from me.^ 


I couldn't help, but want to do something. This was just getting weird and poor Zander is too naive to realize what's going on. 

"Hey Sam, could you switch me spots? I want to talk to Lola more," I said, cracking a forced smile. 

"Sure... I guess," he complied, questioningly 

We both got up, switching spots so I could at least try to prevent her next move. Not only did she give me a glare she attempted to kick my leg. 

"So Lola, what have you been up to? It's been awhile since we actually talked," I said, forcing a happy voice.  

She gave me a glare, before putting on her mask and fake voice, "Not much has been happening with me, except my love for Zandie growing, " she said, causing me to internally cringe at the sudden use of Zander's new nickname. 

I nearly choked on my ice cream as she spilled out the lies so easily to everyone. I have no idea how to respond to that. 

"That's nice," I said trying to sound genuine.

She snickered at my comment, somehow no one else seemed to notice the BS coming out of her mouth. 

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