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My eyes burned. They always did in the morning and right before bed, as if they told themselves to turn off. My parents told me for the first 7 years of my life my eyes were a bright blue, until one day I went to my best friends house and saw his father die. He turned the corner and a car sped over him. Now, the bright blue eyes that everyone loved, are as gold as an expensive necklace. 

Eyes are the first thing people look at when they meet you. Then they judge, they speak to themselves in their mind. Always either hurtful or caring.

I rubbed my stinging eyes, attempting to get myself up and out of bed. I stretched, feeling my spine pop. I heard a ruckus coming from outside of my door, which was where the kitchen was.

I stood, walking to my closet and simply throwing on a crop top and shorts. I suddenly flinched, hearing someone drop something and break it.

I opened the door to see 6 people looking either at me or the floor. I giggled a little at the sight in front of me. A plate was broken on the ground and my mother was scolding one of my younger brothers. My other three other brothers, two older than I and one younger than I, were looking at me. "What's going on," I asked.

"You tell me," My mother said in a sarcastic tone. They all know they I can see/read people's minds.

"Let me guess without trying," I said with a smile on my face. "So you," I pointed to my youngest brother, "broke a plate on accident and mom's upset about that. While the three stooges over here," I said nodding over to the other three. "Were laughing because it wasn't them this time," I explained. They all looked at me.

"Yeah..." my youngest brother, Kai said. 

"I'm going to school, don't even think about skipping Ricky," I said to my other brother who is younger than me while walking past the group. 

Ricky looked at me with the 'seriously, I'm going to kill you' look while my mom looked at him with the 'mad mother' look on her face. "Let's go," I said, motioning towards the door.

They all practically sprinted to the door, as they heard my mother scream behind them "I love your sister's power!" I chuckled quietly at her statement. 

I sat in the drivers seat and buckled myself in, looking back at the rest of my siblings. "Buckles," I demanded, while putting my key into the ignition. I heard five clicks and began to back out of the drive way. "What do you all have planned after school?" I asked.

Jake, my oldest brother, looked at me. "You can tell, so why do you ask," he questioned, laughing a little. 

I laughed at his response. "I asked because it's polite," I explained, causing bursts of laughter to be heard from the back seat.

He nodded his head, before he responded, "Well I appreciate that. In the morning I help show the new kids around then football practice after." He leaned back further into his seat. 

"New kids!" I practicality screamed. 

"JESUS; I know you don't like new people, but calm down," Jake responded. 

"I hate new kids for several reasons, they always ask why I have gold eyes and I can't tell them, 'cause... you know." I explained myself, feeling somewhat accused of something.

No one else besides my family knows that I can see/read people's minds. Neither will anyone ever figure out.

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