No Matter What

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Perrie P.O.V

I wake up to hear singing and cutlery, I get out of bed and walk into the kitchen dressed in my pyjamas. I see Jade singing and making pancakes whilst setting the table for breakfast, I walk over and place my thin pale arms around her waist and kiss her shoulders then her neck. She jumps a little then relaxes, she takes my arms and turns around, she kisses up my arms and on the scars from the self-harm, I move my arms away quickly and pull my sleeves down to hide them. "Don't hide them, it shows the battle you have been through, how brave you have been" she tells me like she does most days. I shake my head and sit at the table, she places three pancakes in front of me on a plate with hot chocolate. I smile a little and eat one slowly, she sits down opposite me and eats all of hers quickly. "Are you going to eat the rest?" she asks, I shake my head, she sighs a little and puts mine or her plate and eats them slowly, offering me bites but I shake my head. 

After breakfast we get changed. I walk to my old room, me and Jade share her room now, and get changed into skinny jeans, a lone sleeved top and jacket with combat boots and a necklace Jade gave me after the day I gave her the promise ring, she wanted to give me something in return. I put my hair in french plait then walk down the stairs and into the lounge. Jade walks in ten minutes later frowning at me, "You were fast at changing" she comments, I nod, "Jesy and Leigh are coming around in a minute or two, they want to talk to us about something" she informs me, she knew more I could tell.

Jesy and Leigh arrive and sit opposite me and Jade, just staring at me mainly. "We are worried about you Perrie" Leigh says, I look at her confused. "You barely talk or eat, you keep yourself to yourself and try not to socialize. You are pushing us away, only talk if it is important. What is going on?" Jesy asks now holding my hands looking into my eyes. "Nothing" I say confused once, "Perrie you barely ate breakfast, you only eat when I give you food and hide all scars and won't talk to me, I want to help" Jade says, "So do we. We all want to help you Perrie" Leigh says in a reassuring tone. "But I don't need help" I say getting annoyed, "Perrie, look at yourself! You are really thin! You are as weak as a child and sleep more than any normal adult!" Jade basically shouts at me. "I'm sorry, I will try harder to be better" I say looking down. "No, that's not what Jade was saying, we want to help you get healthy, it isn't your fault. You have been through so much you were bound to have changed. We want to help you make yourself better" Leigh says smiling. "Okay" I say, "No matter what we will do all we can to help you, I promise" Jade says and kisses my lips softly then pulls away. 


This is the start of the sequel to Can You Help Me? Hope you enjoy it as much and if you have any suggestions or comments don't be afraid to say and the chapters will get longer :) x

No Matter What-sequel to Can you help me?Where stories live. Discover now