Calypso ~ 2

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The day started normal, Percy and Annabeth playfully arguing about who knows what. Frank helping some of the archers, Hazel helping anyone she could. Jason was working with the children with their training, and Piper was practicing with her dagger after her daily time in the forest. I was working with the Demeter kids in the strawberry fields picking and growing the delicious red fruit, when I saw a certain Hephaestus child walking to a sunny patch in the fields. upon reaching that spot, Leo sat down and laid back. His hands under head as a cushion and eyes closed, enjoying the summer sun beaming down upon him. Lately that was the most Leoish thing he's done. He hasn't flirted as much as usual, his temper is really high, anything will tick him off. And he always lies down on the grass everyday at least once, some days he wont leave the suns rays and he'll just sleep there.

I'm not the only one whose noticed it, Jason, Annabeth, And frank too; because their significant other is changing as well. Percy is a little colder and wont laugh as much, yeah he still laughs but its rare and only Hazel, Leo, or Piper can make him laugh easily. Speaking of Piper, she's more outdoorsy than normal. Piper spends more time in the forest with the nymphs and dryads, coming out to train and spend time with Percy, Jason, and Hazel. And Hazel, well, she stayed the same. In someways. She still a little sweetheart, but now she's more daring She's more willing to take risks. And every time she goes near a tree the leaves turn their golden autumn colors and fall off the tree. She'll wear sweaters saying that its ' a little chilly' in the middle of summer. Hazel will walk around with a hot cocoa, sit by a fire, and generally be more of a cinnamon roll than she already is.

But back to Leo, every time I get (or even try) close he just pushes me away. When I want to do something with him, he says that he's busy or doesn't want to. I love him I really do, but I'm starting to think he doesn't love me back.

         I walk over to Leo whose taking a nap in the hot sun. He looks so peaceful as if that what he's supposed to be doing, relaxing in the summer sun. I sit down on the plush green grass and stare off into the bright blue sky that I've seen for who knows how long. I think to myself 'what would happen if Leo doesn't love me anymore? Will I go back to ogygia?' Of course I don't know. No one knows probably.

        "Hey sunshine what you doin?" Leo asks from right next to me. His hands are still behind his head as he looks at me with half opened eyes.

         "Just sitting down and thinking," I reply

         "'Bout what?" Leo asks again

           "What would happen if you didn't love me anymore, would I go back? Would I stay here?" I questioned.

          "Why'd ya say that?"

          "Because it feels like you don't love me anymore. You hardly talk to me, never want to hang out," I answer. "Is it me? Is it you? I don't know but I want the old Leo back."

          "I'm still here sunshine!"

           "I want the one who got me out of ogygia. The one to joke and laugh about the stupidest things, and you're not him," I say and leave Leo dumbfounded on the ground.

         Walking away from him I head to the Athena cabin. My mind was racing and I need someone with a level head to help me get straight again. Annabeth always helps everyone calm down and stuff, yeah sure we don't exactly see eye-to-eye all the time because of past experiences; but I don't care right now.

           As I'm walking to the cabin, out of the corner of my eye I see someone walking next to me. Turning my head to see my follower, I come face to face with Percy. His unruly sea of black hair and sea green eyes that could put anyone in a trance, the ones that changed on his mood. He smiles at me and walks into cabin nine, realizing that that's where I'm going I follow him in. Inside is a book lovers dream. The beds were pushed to the back wall as if the weren't needed or necessary at all. Bookshelves lined the wall where the door was, stacked to the brim with books of all thickness. Old and new ones cramped in the tiny space between others. Desks and chairs littered the room, some were occupied by some one and other had stacks of notebooks and papers on it.

        Annabeth was at a desk that was fairly clean, compared to the others, it was clear and had open space. She was stirring furiously in her notebook, only looking up if needed. Percy walked over to her and kisses her head before taking a seat next to her. She smiled and looked up only to notice me patiently waiting for the right time to talks to her.

        "Calypso? Is everything okay?" She asks and I instantly start crying. I don't know why I just do. Tears fall from my eyes and make a path down my face only to fall and land on my dress or the floor. "Calypso! What's wrong? Why're you crying?" Annabeth asks.

       "L-Leo...I'm afraid Leo d-doesn't love me a-anymore," I say trying to wipe my tears away.

          "Why would you say that? Of course he loves you!" Annabeth returns hugging me.

         "Then why doesn't he hang out with me?! Or hug me or kiss me?! He does nothing like that anymore!" I cry in to her shoulder. "He doesn't love me!"

          "Have you talked to him?"

          "I-I did before I came here," I answer. "He's just not the same."

         "It's gonna be ok, trust me, Leo does love you," Annabeth says trying to comfort me. "Maybe right now he's just going through a bad time."

         I nod my head agreeing to her statement and wipe the last bit of my tears away. Taking a deep breath I say my thanks and leave the cabin to think again.

The Time Before 『A PJO/HOO Fanfic』❕ON HOLD FOR REWRITE❕Where stories live. Discover now