Leo - 16

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Mother was not angry with us at all when we visited her. She sat up from the bed with her arms outstretched, reaching for Amtrenai and I when we entered her room. Tears fell from her eyes, Amtrenai as well, and I'll admit that my eyes were a bit glossy when my mother hugged my tight and kissed my forehead like she did when I was a child.

Our siblings welcomed us with open arms understanding why we had to go against them, we weren't ourselves. We still believed we were Leo and Piper not Amtrenai and Alkinai. Kronos, our older brother not grandpa, wrapped his arms around our necks and led us to the back garden mother tended to meticulously. "Hey, look, I know you guys are beating yourselves up saying that what you did was your fault, but it wasn't."

"Kron--" Amtrenai spoke up but Kronos put his hand over her mouth to keep her quiet.

"Shh, I'm monologuing," He said and retracted his hand when she licked it. "Gross, but, as I was saying--blaming yourself for something you didn't do isn't good for both you and everyone else." Kronos let go of his grip on us and sat down at the outside dinner table where we all sit to eat. How long has it been since I've sat at this table with my family around me, sharing my mother's food and laughing about everything and anything. "When I attacked New York and took over Entlukei, it wasn't me who did it, I wasn't me. Void had taken over me and brainwashed me to do what he wanted, and ever since that day I have been blaming myself for causing so much destruction and death.

"I never wanted that, and I know you never wanted to go against us," I sat next to my older brother. He didn't even look at me or Amtrenai, just starred at his hands as if he was still seeing the blood of demigods, of monsters, and of innocent mortals, staining his fingers and palms. "You weren't you, I wasn't me, and this wasn't your fault."

Amtrenai hugged Kronos. She patted his back and gave him a sad smile. None of us talked after his speech not wanting to make the atmosphere awkward or too sad, though it already was. "Kronos."

"Yeah?" He turned to me.

"I don't blame you for what you've done, I wasn't a part of the second titan war," I said. "But, Luseke, she's putting our deaths on her and she's beating herself up about it. Could you tell her what you said to us? She thinks that she's the only one that's been manipulated by Void and tells herself it's her fault, and it's not."

"I'll talk to her, but you guys have to return to the castle," He stood up and lead us back inside to where a guard was just about to knock on the front door. Him and his time powers, always seeing the future and re-watching the past. Never play chess against him; he always wins. "The king needs to speak with you about Void and the prince's coronation."

My sister and I walked into the large library. Books on shelves that rose at least a mile high, scrolls stacked in piles decorating numerous shelves and walls. Stone tablets carved into the empty spaces between bookshelves revealing inscriptions from the humans before Void appeared. The very first mortals. I miss them, they were very intelligent, finding ways to make the technology we made better and incorporating them in so many ways. But Void wiped their memories and made them what mortals are now. Incapable of greatness.

At a grand table pushed deep into the library, the king, the prince, Entlukei, Luseke, and Ilex looked over a map of the planet. Pointing to possible places where Void could attack during Dymitro's ascent to the throne. But Dymitro didn't help. He stood by a bookshelf and looked through the texts not giving any advice or providing ideas to stop the impending attack. 

No one knew what happened before he died. No one knew what he agreed to. The deal that he had made to Void and the condition he must obey when Void does come. 

But I knew.

I knew the deal Void made to Dymitro. What he plans to do and why he wants to do it, how he's going to attack and what Dymitro agreed to partake in, even if it causes the end of our lives and the destruction of our planets. It's how I learned who I was. The memories of being Alkinai from so long ago and the secret I know he's keeping to himself.

Walking over to Dymitro, I pulled on his arm and took him far from the group. He looked at me curiously and tried to remove his limb from my grasp, but when he saw my glare he stopped and followed me. I wonder what he's thinking as I lead him to a secluded place. 

"Why'd you pull me away, dude?" he asked when I finally let go.

"You know why." I said.

"No, I don't."

"Oh, yeah?" My anger got the best of me. "You don't know about the deal you agreed to before you died? About you helping Void when the time comes? That you gave earth more time to live even though it was going to end the moment he came back?" Dymitro looked down at his feet. I knew guilt bubbled up inside him with every word I said, but I don't regret it. Yeah, he's the crown prince so soon-to-be king, but it doesn't mean that he get's to agree to what Void wants. "I just don't understand why you said yes."

"Because if I didn't he would've destroyed the planet right then and there!" Dymitro shot back. "If I said no, all of this wouldn't be here. You wouldn't be here today, neither would anyone on earth, neither would your sister and Luseke, or even your family.

"I said yes because it gave the earth more time to live and, even for just a little bit, be in time of peace." Dymitro said. "And it's not like I wanted to say yes, okay? I just did what I thought would help everyone."

I grew angrier with every word he said. " "Help everyone?" How is this helping? You basically signed a contract saying that when he comes, and you know he will come, you'd help in the death of your own people!" I turned myself away from him and sighed. The deal between them let us be reborn and gave the earth more time to live, but in exchange he has to help Void. He has to be his right hand man during the destruction of all of life as we know it. This was Void's master plan, his act of revenge on Chaos for defending this planet. At least that's what he said in to Dymitro before he died. "Look, I' m not saying that what you did was right, but at least if you said no, we wouldn't have to fight against you and him. We both know that you're one of the best fighters we have on both planets, so going against you is just plain defeat for us.

"I just think that ending our lives the first time would've prevented all of this." I say.

This time Dymitro glared at me. It was the same stare he gave to Void when he was threatened by the edge of his rapier. "Having all of us die all those years ago? I gave us a second chance at defeating him,of giving my father a chance to build the army and train them against Void's creatures, of giving us, Luseke, Entlukei, Amtrenai, you, a second chance to live the life we never got. But I guess it's not good enough for you."

With those last words, he turned around and walked out of the library. Enraged by what I said and judgement against his actions. I regret confronting him about this, about saying anything and I had no right to speak to him like he did something wrong. Because if I were in his position I would do the same thing. Agree to give billions of people a chance to live longer, for the king to be prepared when Void decides to attack. For my family to see another day and continue to be happy.

Words: 1402


In my other book, "Demigods Singing", I wrote out the fully explained deal between Void and Dymitro. As well as exactly how Amtrenai and Dymitro died besides seeing bits and pieces from the beginning. So if you'd like to know more, please go read the book. 


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