『𝐿𝓊𝓈𝑒𝓀𝑒 » 𝟙𝟙』

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    The man led me out through the palace open doors, no guards stood at attention. There was no need for there was no threat to any of the families or the royal family. Instead, they went to supervise certain places on earth that were very troublesome. To protect the world that many lived and prevent a war. One that, with the mortals there, could mean no mortals at all.

"What do you have to say?" I spoke when he stopped by a stone bench. Unwrapping his arms around from around me, he sat on the bench, gazing up at the stars above. His eyes were a dark purple, with hues of midnight blue and deep magenta clouding the iris. Miniature galaxies swirled and sometimes escaped into the sclera. "Why pull me this far away to speak to me?"

"Because the walls have ears." He doesn't meet my gaze. "You are a prime example of that."

He turned his head to me and smirked. His lips curling into an entrancing smile that made me melt, but not in a good way. As if his smile was a spell that told me to follow him. Told me to obey his words. I fought to resist it. "Who are you anyway? I've never seen garments in any Earthean kingdom."

"That's because I am not from earth, daughter of Helios." His gaze turned cold and dominate, the colors darkened in their orbs and looked as if they are as ancient as the galaxy itself. "I created Earth and everything  around you."

"I am Void." He stood, face mere inches from mine. His breath lightly hitting my face with every word. "And I am here to kill your prince."

"What?" I whisper-shouted. Worry and protection for Dymitro laced its way into my thoughts as I took a protective stance.

"You see, this world was never supposed to exist here. You weren't supposed to be standing there, nor talking to me." He said. "It has gone astray from the world I envisioned, so I am here to set things right." Void strode closer to me. " Killing your prince is the only way, but easier said than done." Power radiated off of him and made me freeze in my spot. I was too scared to do anything, for if I did the wrong thing, Dymitro—or anyone—could get hurt.

In the moonlight, he pulled me closer to him. A hand at the small of my back and one under my chin. The same smirk as before etched its way across his lips and took mine. They were soft, and warm, making me believe they were someone else's. Someone I loved. My mind blanked and I no longer thought of Dymoitro. No longer thought of Amtrenai or my father. Nor Alkinai. Tears fell from my eyes and turned the kiss salty.

He released and vanished in wisps of stars and the same hues in his eyes. Leaving me there, stunned, speechless, and not who I was.

Turning in my spot towards the palace, I make my way there. My mind engulfed in Voids evil deeds. In his plans. Under the spell, his kiss put me in, but this time, I couldn't resist. There was nothing I could do to stop it, so I bow downed to his gaze, to his smirk, and followed his orders.

I closed the gates.

I closed the doors.

I raised the windows from their sheath.

I locked everyone in the ballroom.

I danced with my friends. Laughed alongside them and had fun for the short time my consciousness allowed to seep through. I was held in the arms of my father; knowing it was the last time. I smiled and felt happy in the embrace of Alkinai. But when the spell washed over me, I left.

I poisoned the cup.

I lead them away.

I sent Alkinai to the edge.

I locked Amtrenai and Dymitro with Void.

I killed myself.

My hands letting go of the blade now covered in my blood. Hearing the clattering of the metal on the floor. The spell washing away in my final breaths, releasing me to my own will. But it's too late. Memories flash through my mind like a movie, and a smile etches its way on my face at the thought of Alkinai.

How we'll be together in the next life.

how we'll meet again.

And how I'll be able to say what I whispered to no one with my last breath.

"𝐼'𝓂 𝓈𝑜𝓇𝓇𝓎"

Words: 729


! Notice !

Dear readers,

I'm sorry that this chapter was small compared to the others, but it was crucial that this part got it's own chapter. It's so significant to the story that it didn't feel right to have it as just another dream/memory.

I am also so very very sorry it took so long to update. I swear I am not trying to, but I had a major writer's block and I have been so incredibly busy that I have not had time to write.

Again, I am very sorry, but I hope that the chapter can make up for some of the long wait.


The Time Before 『A PJO/HOO Fanfic』❕ON HOLD FOR REWRITE❕Where stories live. Discover now