Nico & Leo ~ 9

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Okay, maybe shadow traveling was a bad idea.

Falling about a foot and a half off the ground was not part of my plan, but it was a good wake up call when I face planted into the tent of some guy. Normally the "portal" is at ground level and I able to just walk through it. Why it was that high off the ground, I don't know. Just hope Will doesn't find out that I did that and I really need a nap.

Peeling my self off the crushed dark green tent, I sit up and wipe the dirt off my face and out of my hair. I didn't see who the guy was. All I saw was blonde hair and a weird outfit from the corner of my eye, couldn't tell if he was homeless or just camping. "Sorry for falling on you tent."

Either he didn't reply or I didn't hear him answer. "Are you gonna say some–" I look up to see him.

Light blonde hair, darker than Jason's but still light, and blue eyes; a scar under his right eye that went all the way under his chin marred his face. His shirt was...something. The torso part was a light grey and a small straight collar, like a princes just not that high, that had dark blue designs on it. His sleeves were a dark blue see-through material that ended at his elbows, the rest was a metal armor thing. It covered his entire forearm with the sleeve tucked under it. The metal part was decorated with inscriptions and designs that I've never seen before. Symbols and regular swirls and stuff. With matching blue pants and metal boots that matched his forearm-length bracelets, he looked like someone from a Disney movie. But I knew he was far from one.

I stood up in defense when I realized who he was. Someone that caused the death of so many, demigods and mortals. "Luke. What are you doing here?!"

"Nico?" He said. "Are you Nico?"

"What do you want?"

"I'll take that as a yes." He bent down and rummaged through his bag and pulled out a small velvet pouch. "Your sister, Bianca-" I froze in shock. "She wanted you to have this."

Hesitantly, I took the bag from his hand and opened it. Inside was a note and a necklace. Reading the note, I started to tear a bit. Bianca wrote what happened to her and why she knew Luke, how she got out of the under world (something dad and I have been trying to figure out) and just basic things. I examined the necklace. Two charms hung from the chain, one was a locket and the other a really cool skull with angel wings behind it. Opening the locket I saw a girl. Olive skin like me and big dark brown eyes. "Nico! Hi!"

"Bianca? Where are you? And how does thing work?" I ask looking into the moving picture that reminded me of face time.

"I'll explain in a couple days, trust me everything will be explained," she smiled. "But for now we need you–more like Luke needs you–to help us."


"Luke'll explain that part," Bianca said. "But for now I have to go. Bye!" When she left the other side, the locket closed itself not letting me open it.

I look up to him confused. What did he mean when he needed my help? How does he know Bianca? The locket in my hand just rose more questions, ones that I knew he could answer. But that biggest one was if he could be trusted. I know that Bianca did, she wouldn't have given anything to him if he couldn't be trusted, but I don't think I'll trust him so easily. "Explain. How are you here? Why aren't you dead, why isn't my sister dead? and what'g going to happen in a couple days?"

"Okay, first question. This might sound stupid but it's real, and it happened, but I drank a potion that let me teleport here from the planet of Eskryia. I have a mission from Lord Chaos to help his son, Percy, to remember his old memories before Estora in five days." Luke lowered his hands and began to fix his tent. He bent down and started to straighten the poles that I crushed with my body.

The Time Before 『A PJO/HOO Fanfic』❕ON HOLD FOR REWRITE❕Where stories live. Discover now