Chapter 18

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 I walked in to find Jess sitting on the ground, her knees to her chest, tears running down her face as she sobbed loudly. Mel was sitting next to her tears slowly falling from her eyes, trying to comfort her. I looked over to the other side of the room to find an angry Ashton, his face red and filled with tears, from anger I assume. Mike and Cal were standing with him trying to calm him down. I quickly rushed over to Jess’ side and tried to get her to tell me what was wrong. Tears were falling down her face even harder now as she shakily pointed to the piece of folded white paper sitting on the ground next to her.

I slowly picked it up, feeling Luke’s eyes staring into me from behind. My eyes slowly started to fill up with tears as I read over and over again. I couldn’t piece together in my mind what would cause this to happen. Why did this have to happen. Tears feel down my face as I tried to hold myself together. ‘Tor what does it say?’ Luke asked worry filling his voice.

‘Matt’s taking them to court for the legal rights to Fletcher.’

‘No, no, no this can’t be happening.’ I whispered running my hands through my hair, trying to control my sobs. I need to stay strong for Jess. For Ashton. I looked up to find Ashton sitting on the couch, crying into his hands. This shouldn’t be happening to him. He only just got Fletcher back. This shouldn’t be happening. Jess had made her way over to sit next to Ash, still sobbing uncontrollably. This shouldn’t be happening to her either. She had given up so much for Fletcher, she loved him more than anything. Maybe even more than Ash, if that was possible. This can’t happen. I won’t let it happen. I can’t let it happen.

‘Tori are you sure we should be doing this.’ Luke asked as he pulled up in front of a large apartment building. ‘Yes. I am going to find out why that dirty scumbag wants to take my godson away from his family.’ I spat looking at the building with disgust. ‘But you have to think about this in legal terms Tor. He is a lawyer, he can twist what you said. He knows how to persuade people.’ Mel sighed from the backseat. ‘Look I never said that you guys have to come.’ I sighed looking at Luke, Mel and Calum, who hasn’t said anything yet. ‘but I want to find out why he wants to hurt them. Why he wants to split them up. I will not let two of my best friends get hurt.’ I said looking each of them in the eye.  ‘But he will have good resources. He has been to law school.’ Mel stated, trying to persuade me not to do something stupid. ‘But are you forgetting who we are! You boys are one of the biggest boys bands in the world at the moment. Mel you’re one of the best celebrity dance teachers. I’m one of the biggest singers in the world at the moment. We are friends with Simon Cowell, One Direction and Little Mix. We will have nearly the whole teenage population on our side. I will not let him take away a member of our family. I don’t care what you say. I’m going up there.’ I sighed and jumped out of the car running into the building. I could hear the others sigh before running in after me and following me up into the building.

‘Who the hell do you think you are.’ I screamed as I ran into the lawyers office. Jess had told me everything about Matt before we came so it wasn’t to hard to track him down. He sat down at his large desk and just smirked at me. ‘Do you have any idea what you are getting yourself into.’ I spat looking down at him. I know that I am not tall but with him sitting down it made me feel like I had a slight edge.

I don’t know why. Don’t ask.

‘Oh sweet innocent little Victoria.’ He smirked using my full name. By now I was fuming and was barely being held back by the boys. ‘You haven’t thought about how much I could ruin you. All of you.’ He smirked again, walking towards us. ‘Yeah and how the hell do you think that your going to get away with all this.’ Mel snapped from behind me. ‘Well for one, as far as anyone at the hospital knows I am Fletcher’s legal and biological father.’ He smirked. ‘what do you mean biological father?’ Luke asked his voice filled with confusion. ‘Well you see Luke, when Fletcher was born, I was written down as his legal and biological father. Remember this was when Jessica didn’t want Ashton to find out about Fletcher.’ He smirked. I was literally about to slap that smirk off his face, but I don’t think Simon would like to find out that I assaulted someone.

‘How would you be able to ruin us.’ Mel spat, through her gritted teeth. ‘Well you see I have many,  many connections that you wouldn’t have ever thought about. I can take the footage from those security cameras up there and make it look like you assaulted me.’ He laughed pointing at the small mechanical box in the corner of the room. I was beyond fuming now, as the boys grips tightened a little on my shoulder. ‘What do you want with us?’ I spat, trying to keep my anger to a minimal. ‘I want you. All of you. Too leave Fletcher, Jess and I alone. We were fine before you all came.’ He smirked pointing to all of us. And that’s when I snapped.

‘Victoria Addison Carter. What the hell was that back there.’ Mel nearly screamed when we got back in the car. ‘He provoked me.’ I smirked, happy with what I had done. It’s not like I permanently damaged him. Just slapped him and punched him in the gut. I looked across at Luke who was trying to hold back his laughs, but failing, a huge smirk covering his face.

‘What’s going to happen if Simon finds out.’ She sighed rubbing her temples as she leant back onto Cal’s shoulder. ‘Mel I’m sorry but you knew that if you let me go up there, it wouldn’t end well. Do you not remember when Jess and I got into that fight with Britney back in 9th grade.’ I smiled, trying to hold back my laughter.

Now I know that I have mentioned Britney before and how her, Jess and I were once best friends. After that we had a lot of fights. Well the one I’m talking about was probably the worst of all. All I did was punch her in the face and I got suspended for nearly 2 weeks. That didn’t go down well when Simon first found out.

‘Yes and it was hilarious. But this is more serious. He is a lawyer and you have a reputation as being America’s sweetheart. You can’t stuff this up.’ She sighed rubbing her temples again.

‘Guys I know that your both stressed out right now but I need to tell you somehting.’ Cal spoke for the first time since we got into the car. Apparently he had been trying to get our attention for nearly 5 minutes. ‘Ok I don’t know if this helps but…’ He trailed off pressing a button on his phone.

‘Oh sweet innocent little Victoria. You haven’t thought about how much I could ruin you. All of you.’ I heard a voice identical to Matt’s speak through the speakers.

‘Did you record the whole thing?’ I gasped as the recording carried on. I looked up to find Calum grinning and nodding his head as fast as he could.

‘You bloody genius.’

SO Tori let out her anger in this chapter.

Bet you didn’t think she was capable about doing that to a man nearly twice her size.

Will Update soon

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Stay beautiful

Love Ash xxx

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