Chapter 22

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‘Now Miss Carter, would you please explain to us why you think that my client Mr Roberts is unfit to raise Fletcher.’ The annoying lawyer asked. I sent Jess one last look to make sure she was ok with me saying this. This was the one thing that only three people know. But now that secret is about to be let out.

‘Matt used to abuse Jess.’

There was a collective amount of gasps mainly coming from our section. I looked over to find Jess with tears rolling silently looked over to find Jess with tears rolling silently down her face. Ashton looked as if he was about to go over and punch Matt and by the way Luke was holding him down, he had already tried too.

‘Miss Carter do you have any proof that you would be able to show the jury.’ The lawyer asked, a hint of annoyance in his voice. I nodded pulling my phone out of my pocket. As I scrolled through my camera roll I was trying to find the video Jess had sent me a while ago, I could hear Matt and his lawyer arguing in the background.

‘Here you are.’ I said passing the phone to the judge. I had been on Skype with Jess at the time when Matt came home. He was drunk. Apparently he had done it before. This video you could see everything. He hit her. Over and over again. You could hear Jess’ screams coming through the speakers of my iPhone. BY this point tears were falling down nearly everyone’s faces. I can still remember my horror of what I saw like it was just yesterday. I looked over to the judge who was handing the phone to a police officer who then took it to the jury.

Looks of horror and pain washed over each and every one of their faces. I looked over to everyone and found El, Perrie and Mel comforting Jess while the boys were trying to hold Ashton and Liam back, while they were screaming profanities at Matt.

‘Miss Carter, you may sit down again now.’ The judge said. He didn’t have to tell me twice. I bolted over to where Jess and the girls are, wrapping them in a hug. The boys had somehow managed to calm Ashton and Liam down and they were sitting next to Jess comforting her.

‘The jury will now decide the decision. Court you may take a recess.’ The judge announced. Matt and his lawyers left the building almost immidiately. They must know that what ever will happen could be bad. Matt could end up being charged with assault. Jess had managed to calm down and was talking calmly with Ashton and their lawyer.

‘You did a good thing Tor.’ Simon smiled as him and Luke walked over to me. I smiled weakly at the both of them as we walked over to everyone.

‘I still can’t believe that bastard.’ Liam growled as he shot a glare over to where Matt and his lawyer were standing. The fear on Matt’s face was unbelieveable. I don’t blame him though. He could end up losing his adoptive child and facing time in jail. But I don’t fill sorry for him. He will get what he deserves.

‘Let’s go back in. The jury have made up their decision.’ Our lawyer smiled. We each strode in finding the jury sending us warm smile and Matt sending us a cold glare. I looked over my shoulder to find Jess and Ashton smirking.

‘All rise for Judge Anthony Daniels.’ The police officer from before called and we all stood. As the judge sat down we all sat down with him.

‘Silence please for the jury’s verdict.’ Judge Daniels spoke as a middle aged woman stood up.

‘How does the jury find the accused?’ The judge asked the woman. (A/N Jess and Ashton were the accused because Matt was pressing charges.)

‘The jury finds the accused innocent.’ She smiled at us. I couldn’t help but let out a squeal of joy as we all cheered. Tears of joy were running down Ashton and Jess’ faces. I looked at Matt and his face had a mixed reaction of anger and sadness. I didn’t care though. He deserved it.

‘Please stand for sentencing.’ The police officer said. Everyone stood and waited for the judge to announce the final sentencing.

‘Jessica Rivers and Ashton Irwin. I announce you as legal parents to Fletcher Tory Rivers. Matthew Roberts you are sentenced to 5 years in federal prison for assault.  Case dismissed.’ The judge finished, walking away from his stand.

Matt was being taken away in handcuffs screaming profanities at Jess and Ashton. But they didn’t seem to care. They were holding each other closer than I have ever seen any two people hold each other. Tears of joy were streaming down their faces as we all walked through the courthouse building together.

Flashes of lights and screaming of fans flooded our ears. People were screaming out their congratulations, as we stood at the entrance of the building.

‘Could I have everyone’s attention for a minute.’ Ashton called out, his voice reaching the attention of everyone. He turned to look at Jess, a huge grin spread on his face. I couldn’t help but let a small gasp escape my lips as he lowered his whole body down to his knee.

‘Jessica Grace Rivers, we have been through a lot. I have made a lot of mistakes in my life but for sure meeting you was not one of them it was actually the best thing to have ever happened to me. You and Flectcher have changed my life for the better and I can’t thank you enough. So on that note. Jess will you marry me?’ He asked grinning up at Jess.

‘Yes.’ She screamed, tears of joy running down her face. They wrapped each other in hugs as the flashes of cameras went off everywhere.  We all rushed into the awaiting car and basically piled in on top of each other.

‘Jess.’ I said looking over at her.



Jeshton are engaged! Jeshton are engaged!

And now that Matt’s out of the picture for good they can be a family!

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Love Ashleigh xx

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