4: Like You

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I hurried and put on my clothes. I looked out the window of apartment and saw Dominic waiting next to his car. I went to the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. My face was clean. My hair was fine and dandy. After leaving the bathroom with fresh breath and a clean face, I grabbed my bag and my purse. Heading to the elevator I noticed I was missing something. "Dammit I left my phone." I put down my stuff and ran back to my apartment room. I grabbed my phone off the charger and grabbed the charger itself . I hurried back to the door and lock it.

"Well I see you left your stuff outside."

Standing behind me was Dominic. I turned around to see him in a very casual outfit. He wore a form fitting polo; showing this dark caramel arms and muscles. They were very defined. Like it was handcrafted. He wore black jeans to go well with his white polo. As for shoes, he wore polo boots. I notice he was looking me up and down. His eyes darken at every look and angle. I blushed as he snapped back to reality. I made a slight giggle at his expression. "Thank you for watching my stuff. Who would've know someone could've stole it." He nodded. I looked at his right arm. I notice that he had a tattoo of a women's name on it. Written in cursive it said "Mary". My curious mind started to wonder. "I notice you see my mom's name on my arm. I got it when I was 20." I smiled. "That's sweet of you. She must live here in Atlanta. I hope she's not stressing out about the case so much." His face fell. He looked down and gazed up at me. His sad brown eyes looked into my curious brown ones. "I'm so sorry! I didn't know she had passed." He smiled then nodded. "Thank you and it's fine. I got used to the feeling without her. But, I still visit her grave everyday. I just like to care for people a lot." I wrapped my arm around his waist. A friendly cuddle is what I gave him. Dominic was much taller than me. I may be 5'6 but Dominic surpasses me. He was more like 6'3 as from what I read from his police record.We walked together down the hallway to the elevator. Heading to the elevator Dominic's phone rang. He looked at his phone to see who it was. "Yeah wassup Jerell. It came in today? Aight I will pick it up later." I looked over at him as I was punching the button. 

Heading inside the building, Dominic helped me get my stuff out of the car.  "Thanks." He nodded giving me a wink. Walking up to my office I noticed a crowd around Chyna. Since that the crowd was near my office, I wanted to be nosy. "Oh my gosh Chyna. That is so great!" Tyra,  one of the offices secretaries, gussied up to Chyna while she was sipping on her coffee.  As for Chyna she was dressed up today. She wore a red wrap dress by Christian Dior. Her face was made up very nicely. She wore bright red lipstick that was perfect for her light completion. She wore a dark gold eye-shadow. She had it layered like a smokey eye. As for her shoes; they were beautiful. Crystals covered the whole shoe. They were also by Christian Dior. Her hair was flowing down and was in a ombre type hairstyle. It went from black to honey blonde. "I like to keep it professional today. My flawless interview with Atlanta's hottest news network HLN will love me today. The spotlight is all on me." She giggled at her most arrogant comment I've ever heard. Everyone in the room carried on a conversation to forget about the comment. "So how do you feel since you're not the only one who has been interviewed on HLN?" Tyra asked. Chyna eyes rolled to her. She had a stank look on her face. "What?" Chyna bubbled was busted. She never known that she was not the only NOR first person being interviewed by HLN. I was the first lawyer to be interviewed and she never knew. She was so busy worrying about herself that she didn't look outside. "Yeah Felisa was the first out the office to be interviewed." She rolled her eyes. "Of course it would be Miss I'm Everyhing. Her out of all people. Hmph, hopefully she don't end up with a dead beat like my mother until she got remarried." I fumed with rage. I clicked my heel which got everyone's attention. "Now I know for a fact CHYNA you getting off of that one." Jamarcus yelled at her.  Chyna rolled her eyes and looked at me. She gave me an devilish smirk. Dominic came behind me with his deep manly mask of his expensive cologne. "For all the things I've done for your stuck up ass I know for a FACT I don't think I'm everything. That was one thing my mother taught me and I know your mother did too! You got so much shit up your ass you can't smell it! Chyna wake the hell up and look at reality for ounce. Just because you're dating a NFL player and getting interviews and stuff does not mean you're better than anybody.  THAT'S FOR A FACT! Second; I make sure I get information about people before I even date them unlike you who jumps straight to the gun."

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