Chapter 6: What in the world is going on?

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I'm driving back home and the sky looks dark gray. It's winter time and gets dark pretty soon. I'm slowing down as I get near my driveway and I see Viktor outside, on my front porch with Brody. Brody's sitting near Viktor's feet as they both look quiet and gloomy. I park my car and get out. "Viktor? What are you doing here? Where is your mom?" I ask. "Mommy doesn't know I'm here. She's at home. I wanted to stay with Brody for some time" he says. "What happened Viktor? Is something wrong? Something you want to tell me?" He shakes his head no and continues patting Brody. "Viktor?" I ask once more, in a little more intimidating voice. He shakes his head again, but this time his expressions changes and he looks like he's about to cry. Soon, tears begin to fall down his face. "Oh Viktor," I say and hug him close to me. "Are you going to tell me now? I'm worried about you," I say. He wipes his tears and stutters in a low voice " uncle..." "What? Tell me, what about him?" I say. "He...he..." and even more tears come down his face. "Holy shit" I think to myself. What is he trying to tell me? "Go on, tell me, it's okay." He suddenly wipes his tears and gets up. I hear foot steps approaching our porch. It's the large man. "You must be Viktor's uncle," I say blankly. He glances at me and then at Viktor and begins to say something to him in Ukrainian. His face is expressionless and he smells like cigarettes. Viktor quickly hugs me tight. The man continues talking, now in a more jarring tone. "What's happening? What are you saying?" I ask him. "That is not of your business," he says with a stern face. "Viktor," he says again in his Ukrainian accent. Viktor lets go of me and runs to the man's car. The man stands still and slowly looks me up and down. "Stay out of our way, it is best for your safety," he says and leaves with Viktor in his car. What the hell. Who is this man? Did he just threaten me? Where is he taking Viktor? Why is Viktor so scared of him? So many unanswered questions. 

I quickly leave my things in my room and go to see Sofia. I get to her door and ring her bell. As usual she looks a little nervous when she opens her door. "Hey..Sofia," I say, "I hope you're alright. I just wanted to talk to you. Is that fine?" "Yes, it is okay, come in," she says. "So, just about 10 minutes ago, I saw Viktor on my front porch..." "Viktor? But he was inside his room! I didn't know he went outside, where is he?" "Well now he left with his uncle..." "What?!" she exclaims. "Oh my god. I thought you knew he was going to take him somewhere." She looks stunned, and frightened. "I..I'm sorry I didn't know you didn't know.." I say, trying to fix the situation. She quickly tries to change her expression, trying to make me think that nothing is wrong, "No. Uh, it is okay. You can go back, it's fine. I'll deal with it, I need to leave now. But it's okay, you don't need to worry," she says to me, also trying to convince herself. She hastily gets her keys, phone and purse, looking completely nervous, and is shivering with fear. She tells me to go and immediately gets in her car and leaves. I'm scared too now. This is extreme. I really hope Viktor is fine. Soon, I go back home. 

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