Chapter 9: Run.

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I'm on my way back home and I see the large man's car pull up to the driveway. My stomach hollows out and I feel my heart thumping in my chest. Why the hell is he here now? Has he come back to take Viktor? I've gotta do something. 

I walk right up to him without any thought. I don't know what I'm going to do or say; I don't even know how he's going to react. I stand in his way, about a foot away from him. He smells like cigarettes again. He looks at me confused and angry, with his eyebrows furrowed. "What do you think you're doing? Get out of my way," he says. Words start to pour out of my mouth "You bastard, don't tell me what to do." I'm shocked at what I just spat out. My mind is blank, and so is my face. He lets out an evil, growl-like laugh, flashing his darkened gums. I know he isn't amused at all by what I said. "Looks like you forgot what I told you the other day. Too bad, I'm going to have to do something about this," he says, walking closer to me. My legs are getting weaker and I don't know what to do. "I know what kind of shit you do," I say, maintaining my steady gaze at his face. He pauses and says "Well then you must know what is going to happen to you. I'll be sure to let your parents know where to find your remains." "You sick sick-o! How can you do what you do? You complete mother-fucker! You deserve to die like a rat in a sewer!" I yell with complete frustration. He suddenly grabs my hair with a tight grip and says "You bitch, I will make sure a sewer is paradise compared to your situation. I will make you my whore and treat you the way you deserve to be treated..." he says as I struggle to get out of his grip. "Ow you fucking asshole let me go!" I say elbowing him. He twists my left arm behind me, while still grasping my hair, and heads to his car. I try my best to call out for help but nobody is around. Just as he opens his car door and tries to shove me in, Aleksandr comes and grabs the large man by his shoulders, yelling something in Ukrainian. He lets go of me, turns around and punches Aleksandr right in the nose. This man is twice as large as me, but I know I have to do something. I punch him as hard as I can in his jaw. Before he can recover I kick him hard three times right in crotch. He's falling down to his knees and I run as fast as I can into the Usyk's house. I quickly lock the door behind me. I know Aleksandr is still outside, so I tell Sofia "Call the cops! Call the cops! Your brother is outside, he's going to beat up Aleksandr if you aren't fast enough! Do it! Just do it! You don't have a choice!" "What?!" Sofia yells frantically and grabs her phone. "Where is Viktor?! I have to take him away! He's gonna come and get him, and no matter what don't open this goddamn door!" "What? Janani? Where are you taking him-" we hear Aleksandr groan in pain as the man punches him again. Aleksandr is trying his best to stop him. "Sofia WHERE IS HE?? I'm going out the back door and taking him to my house, just tell me where he is!" I yell. "He's napping in his room, go get him!" She starts calling the cops. I run to Viktor's room and there he is awake, and completely perplexed. I quickly grab him in my arms and run out the back door towards my house. As I'm getting to my house I hear that the man has broken into Sofia's house and is yelling something. She yells back and I hear him hit her. I run faster and get into my house from my back door. Viktor tries to ask me what's happening but I just can't pay attention to that. I get into my house and it's dark because nobody's home yet. I quickly lock Brody in my room so he's safe and run with Viktor into my parents' room. It's 5.30 and there's still an hour for my parents to return. I know that man is going to break our back door and get into our house. It's just a matter of time before he finds me. Viktor and I are locked in my parents room. It's cold, and dark. I tell him to go under the bed and to not move or make any noise at all. I can't call anyone either because the man will hear my voice. My heart is pounding at the speed of light, and my limbs are shivering. I'm panting and sweating in this dead cold. My mind is blank, I can't believe any of this is happening. Viktor looks at me from under the bed and I gesture him to stay put. And now we wait.

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