Chapter 1: Who am I?

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It's currently thanksgiving break. Another gloomy November day. Rainy, cold, and silent. It's typical of Fanwood, New Jersey. Who am I, you ask? I'm Janani Johnson (pronounced Juh-nah-nee). Weird name, you may think. I'm a senior at Scotch Plains-Fanwood High School (a school with, like, 90% white people). My ethnic background is pretty cool. I am the daughter of Will Johnson––William Brian Johnson on paper––and Nadisha Devapriya. My dad's Scottish and German, while my mother is of Sri Lankan descent. I look like milk with a few drops of coffee. I have my mother's eyes and hair, and my dad's nose and face structure, apparently. People get confused when they see my name, rather, people above the age of 40 get confused. Younger people have enough common sense to realize that I'm mixed race. I don't hate old people, it's just that some of them tend to be ignorant.

I'm a good kid at school I guess. I've taken 7 AP courses so far and have A's and some B's too. I like physics and math, which people find weird 'cause who likes that stuff anymore? I want to go to college in California, and I've got my eye on UCLA. I'm not very popular; my school is full of white kids who like "being independent," or how I hear it, "Leave me the fuck alone mom and dad!!" Excuse my French. I've had a small group of friends basically my whole life: they're reliable, funny, and smart, and I love them. My group consists of Jenny, the redhead who loves reading (I know, how typical), Bianca the tall, lean runner, and Becky (Rebecca), my closest friend ever. We're neither hated, nor loved; neither the losers, nor the queen bee's. We just are. Ah, I love us.

At home I'd like to say I'm pretty responsible. I'm an only child and am extremely neat and tidy. I help my parents all the time, whether it be doing the laundry or cleaning the bathrooms. We have a pretty strong family bond even if we don't openly show it all the time. My parents would die for each other (and for me) even today, 20 years after their marriage. I would die for them too. We laugh a heck of a lot, and love watching Martin Scorsese movies. And the best part of my family is Brody. Brody is the most lovable being on the planet. He's our 4 year old golden retriever. I really can't put into words how much I love him. He's just so innocent and loving; he's understanding and emotional. I think people who prefer cats to dogs are plain stupid. Dogs win the battle for best pet, period. 

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