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A thousand thoughts ran through Noah's head at once, so many he was sure he would have given Edward a headache had he heard them.

Noah didn't know what to do. He didn't want to leave his family, the family he had just grown close to once again. He knew there was little to no chance of him ever returning back to Forks. He'd never see his father, never see the niece he was already so fond of despite having to stay away from her all the time.

He'd have to leave the Cullen's. The people that took him in at his weakest moment.

Most importantly he'd have to leave Bella. While they didn't always agree on everything, she was still his big sister, his favorite person in the whole world. After everything they had gone through, all the family problems, near death experiences, and actual death experiences, Noah wasn't sure he was ready to let go.

Though a bigger part of Noah knew what would happen if he didn't go. He knew if he didn't step forward than Bella would attack. He knew that even if they won, though the possibility of that happening would be slim, many lives would be lost. He knew that was selfish, knew that he should step forward.

A part of Noah didn't want to leave, but he knew he should. There was also another, tiny part of Noah's brain that wanted to leave. He didn't want to stay in a rainy forest. He didn't want to watch the Cullen's eyes darken every time he took out a blood bag to eat. He didn't want to be a burden.

Noah wanted to get to know the cold looking king. The beautiful king who's eyes reminded him of roses, and who's scent smelt so divine it made Noah's mouth water.

In that moment, Noah made up his mind.

"Alright, I'll go." Noah finally breathed after several tense seconds. Bella immediately hissed, grabbing his arm tightly and holding onto it. The flowery boy didn't miss the way the blonde kings eyes narrowed slightly, though he ignored it.

"Noah no, you can't leave me. I just got you back." Bella protested, her crimson eyes widened.

"I have to Bella. I can't put you, Renesmee or anyone else in danger because of me." The younger boy reminded, and Bella looked at him for several seconds before slowly nodding. Noah smiled softly before turning to look at Aro who watched the scene with a happy grin.

"Can I have a few minutes to say goodbye?" The boy asked, though it wasn't Aro who responded.

"Two, we shall be waiting for you." Caius hissed, and as if upon rehearsal, all the opposing whitenesses and the Volturi disappeared, though Noah could still dimly feel eyes watching him from the tree line.

First Noah hugged Benjamin who returned the gesture. Noah was almost sure he heard a growl from the trees, though it was quite possible his mind was playing tricks on him.

"Be safe my friend, and know that you always have a place in Egypt." Benjamin murmured and Noah found himself grinning.

"Thank you Benjamin, I will miss you." Noah responded softly, nodding to the other members of the Egyptian Coven.

Carlisle moved over to him next, placing a hand on Noah's shoulder.

"I will try to work something out with Aro, I'll make sure we visit you soon." The blonde made said and Noah nodded in understanding, smiling at Carlisle.

"Thank you Carlisle, all of you. I owe all of you my life, and my gratitude. You took me in when I didn't have anyone, and I will always be thankful for that." Noah voiced truthfully, turning to look at all the Cullen and Hale children who all smiled or nodded at him.

The boy then shook Edwards out held hand.

"Keep them safe." Noah whispered and Edward nodded immediately in understanding.

"Always, you take care of yourself Noah."

Nodding, Noah then knelt down next to Renesmee, who looked at the boy in confusion.

"Where are you going uncle Noah?"

"I'm going to be away for a while little one, but I promise you'll see me again." Then, holding his breath, he placed a soft kiss on her forehead before speeding over to his sister, needing to get away from her scent.

"Promise me you'll stay safe." Bella murmured fiercely.

"I promise."

The two hugged for a very long time. Simply embracing each other.

"I love you big sister."

"I love you to little brother."

With that, Noah sped to the edge of the clearing. Stopping just at the treeline he looked at the Volturi who waited for him before turning and without a word, a million flowers blossomed in the snow, creating a rainbow of color.

Noah didn't look back again as he walked towards the Volturi.

"Ok, I'm ready."

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