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Noah walked down the halls of castle that had begun to grow more and more familiar, he could t help but smile as he looked to his right and saw the impressive figure of Caius Volturi standing besides him. The King had made good on his promise of a date and had shown up at exactly 11 a.m. with a soft smirk and assurances that if he was anything, he was on time.

Noah couldn't help but laugh when the older male had said that. He couldn't imagine the blond as anything less then perfect, and so far Caius had done nothing to change his mind on that matter.

A door opened directly to Noah's left to reveal Harrison leaving. At the sight of the pair, the blond raised an eyebrow and sauntered forward, Noah couldn't contain his surprise, having never seen Harrison without his red headed companion in his time with the Volturi.

"Harrison." Caius greeted with a distracted nod.

"Hello Caius." Harrison replied and Noah was genuinely surprised that the King didn't get angry when Harrison made no attempt to show that Caius was his superior in the way most everyone in the guard did when they came in contact with the usually aggressive King.

The greeting between the blond pair were short, and Noah only received a nod from Harrison, not that the blue eyed boy expected much else, having already gotten used to the cold way Harrison treated him. Harrison left a moment later, mumbling something about finding Varinka before flashing down the hall, though not before giving the pair an odd look before leaving.

"I don't think Harrison likes me very much." Noah admitted once they had entered the elevator and were given the illusion of privacy. Caius looked at Noah for a moment, conflict in his eyes as he let out a rather tired sounding sigh that surprised Noah.

"It isn't you that he doesn't like, if anything it's I that bothers him. My brother and I don't exactly get along." Caius stated emotionlessly, focusing his intense burgundy gaze on the silver metal of the elevators interior instead of facing the boy who was shocked at what he found out.

"Wait like biological brother?" Noah blurted out the question without thinking, his face heating up at how rushed the words came out. Caius looked up then, lips tilting into a smile as he nodded.

"We don't exactly get along well." Caius acknowledged as the elevator beeped before opening and Noah was to focused on staring at the new architecture he had only ever seen coming into Volterra to return to the conversation.

The small city of Volterra was one of the most beautiful things Noah Swan had ever seen. The brick streets curved up and down with the natural slopes of the Italian hillsides. Old historic buildings practically bled architecture as people called out from covered patios to friends on the street. Noah was in love with the city he had just begun to discover.

The boy walked up and down the streets, stopping several times to admire a booth, or talk to someone on the street in broken Italian, since Heidi had only started giving him lessons a few weeks ago.

The boy often caught Caius watching him, eyes staring at Noah while the boy admired a flower or a piece of artwork.

The day passed quickly, Noah spending the majority of the time gazing dreamily at architecture and flowers or listening to Italian grandmothers tell him about how their grandparents had lived in the very same building that they did.

The brunet boy felt positively gleeful when Caius had interlocked there fingers after Noah's clumsiness had almost landed him in a puddle, the immortal King mumbling something about his clumsiness that almost sounded fond while Noah's face turned red and Italian grandmother number three smiled knowingly and winked when she caught sight of their interlocked hands, telling Noah about the time she dated the daughter of a painter in secret and they made plans to run away together.

Noah smiles, and he smiles, and he smiles, and immortality doesn't look so bad after all, especially not when Caius buys him a bouquet of gardenia and hibiscus and Noah feels happier then he has in a very long time.


I want to work and finish this story soon. also I'm going to start including the meanings of flowers into my story because noah loves flowers so much and I think it'd be interesting to use flower meanings in the love story that is caius and noah.

— hibiscus: rare beauty
— gardenia: you're lovely, joy, good luck, secret love

— hibiscus: rare beauty — gardenia: you're lovely, joy, good luck, secret love

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