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Noah awoke to the sound of soft knocking resonating from his door. The flowery boy was quick to rub his eyes, getting out any sleep, and sleepily walking to open the door.

The Swan boy had been staying in Volterra for approximately a week since leaving his sister and had to admit, he couldn't really complain much. Everyone who he'd seen had been kind to him, asking him if he need anything, or simply smiling respectfully. Noah found that he was even starting to make friends.

The only thing that was slightly upsetting was that Noah had not seen much of the blonde king Caius since the beginning of his stay.

Distantly, Noah thought back to his last encounter with the vampire.

Noah had just arrived in Volterra and couldn't help but stand in awe at the sight of it. Italy was beautiful to say the least, and Noah hoped he would get to explore it sometime.

They had arrived just before dawn, so all of the humans still slept peacefully in their beds, leaving the city silent. Looking around he couldn't help but notice one detail, there were flowers everywhere. That sight made Noah increasingly happy, making a small smile appear on his face.

The sound of his own name pulled him out of his thoughts and made him blush a deep scarlet. It was the blonde king with the rose eyes. The way he said Noah's name made the boys heart beat faster, and he blushed redder knowing that everyone could here it.

"Come, I'll show you to your room." The older vampire stated, making the boy nod his head as he continued to look around, this time examining the castle instead of the city.

Walking alone with Caius, Noah was getting increasingly nervous. Perhaps it was because of how close they walked, forearms occasionally brushing against each other, or because of how lovely Caius smelt.

"If you need anything don't hesitate to ask, I know Jane will be more than happy to help you." Caius looked like he wanted to say more, his face contorted in a way that suggested it, though instead he shook his head slightly, as though he were trying to rid himself of what he as just thought.

Turning on his heels the blonde walked away, leaving Noah to watch him go.

Noah pulled himself out of his thoughts just as he opened the door, only to see a familiar blonde in front of him.

Noah grinned immediately at the sight of Jane. Over the short period of time they had spent together Noah already knew he would like her.

In the beginning she was quiet, only speaking when Noah asked her something, though after a few days of that she had opened up more. Jane wasn't like anyone Noah had ever met. She had found a way to balance out being a cruel sadistic vampire, all while making sarcastic remarks about how Heidi tried to hard to get into Demetri's pants.

Noah liked her quite a bit.

"Jane." Noah greeted happily, making the blonde smile at him in return. Jane had been smiling a lot more when they were together and it made Noah thoroughly happy.

"Would you like to go for a walk with me Noah, there is still one garden we haven't seen yet?" The girl questioned and Noah nodded immediately.

Noah found himself taking Janes hand as they walked, talking about the simplest of things.

This small act made the older vampire smile happily. It had been along time since Jane had held hands with anyone except Alec, it was usually because everyone was to afraid she'd bite their heads of if they touched her. Which she probably would.

But Noah was different, his soul was so pure and innocent it made Jane want to protect him from everything, and it made it even easier to become best friends with him.

When they entered the garden Noah noticed two figures looking down at him. Looking up the brown haired boy saw two vampires, one male, one female, watching him curiously.

They were both incredibly beautiful, the female having long crimson hair, the males being a dark blonde. Noah noticed the way the male looked like similar to Caius before he looked away.

"Jane?" The boy questioned, his voice soft enough so only she heard it. When the girl made a humming noise in acknowledgement Noah continued. "Who are those two people looking at me up there?"

The blondes eyes looked up and immediately found where Noah had been previously looking before speaking.

"Oh that's Varinka and Harrison. She's Marcus's mate, and Harrison, well he's a special case." Jane replied in an equally soft voice, making Noah nod his head while he decided not to push it.

The pair spend the rest of the day looking at flowers in the garden. Noah occasionally helping one grow if it was necessary, while the pair chatted about different topics.

"Come on Noah, I think Heidi should be coming soon with dinner." Jane announced and Noah's already pale skin paled.

"Oh, um, okay." Noah mumbled and Jane immediately noticed the behavior change, speeding over to him she rested a hand on his shoulder.

"The animal drinkers never let you drink from humans did they?" Jane asked, her voice soft, in a way she would only talk to Noah or Alec.

"No the Cullen's, didn't." The boy replied, making sure to put emphasis on the name of his sisters Coven and making Jane roll her eyes.

"Don't worry about it Noah, I'll even catch one for you." If Noah wasn't a vampire, and hadn't spent the past week with Jane, he would have flinched at that sentence. Instead he simply nodded and took Janes hand again as they walked out of the garden and towards the throne room, Noah secretly freaking out as they did.


this book is connected to -regiis book envy & wrath, so the two characters varinka and harrison are hers. all her books are absolutely amazing, I definitely recommend you check them out. we will be seeing more of them soon.

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