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Noah woke up the next morning with a surprisingly light feeling in his head. Remembering the conversations the Caius from the night before made a dopey smile appear on Noahs lips while his cheeks reddened as he remembered how embarrassing he had been.

Soon after waking up the flowery boy got dressed, growing a few flowers that were in his room, and heading to the door.

Noah was searching for Jane when he instead found Varinka. The girl was laughing with her mate Marcus, though her head immediately snapped towards him when he turned the corner.

The red haired girl grinned, walking over to Noah and throwing her arms around his shoulders as though they had been friends for years. Noah, though slightly flustered returned the hug.

"Hello little Noah, how are you doing this fine morning?" Varinka asked, as she pulled away right as Marcus approached them.

"I'm doing well, have you seen Jane, I have to talk to her." Noah asked, giving the brown haired king a soft smile.

"No I haven't, though I simply must ask how did your talk with Caius go? He was quite angry with me for providing you with clues about your relationship which was quite amazing. Caius angry is always my favorite." Varinkas grin only brightened as she remembered the events from the previous night.

"Oh um– I um, it was good." Noah stuttered, his cheeks heating up. Varinka laughed happily, patting Noahs cheek while Marcus spoke.

"Varinka don't tease the boy. Jane is down the hall to the right Noah. I do apologize for my mate. She likes having her fun." Marcus stated, throwing Varinka an exasperated look before smiling softly at Noah.

The boy nodded then saying his goodbyes to the pair and taking the Kings directions. Noah soon was standing outside of Janes room. Immediately the blonde was opening the door and smiling at him. Her hair was down and loose around her shoulders.

"Noah come in." Jane greeted, opening the door wider and beckoning the boy inside. When he obliged she shut the door behind him and turned, raising one perfectly sculpted eyebrow in question.

"Why didn't you tell me Caius and I were mates?" Noah blurted out, making Janes eyes widen and a smile grace her features.

"He told you I take it?" Jane questioned while Noah nodded his head, groaning pathetically and running a hand through his hair.

"I was so embarrassing Jane truly. I mean how could he, the gorgeous, perfect king be mates with me?" Noah asked, hands flailing in the air and making Jane chuckle softly and place her hands on either side of the boys face.

"Noah, you are the other part of his soul, just as he is yours. Your a perfect match." Jane spoke, and upon seeing his slightly confused face she continued. "Your soft and loving while King Caius can be a bit well– he has a bit of a temper. Just as Varinka is theatrical and mischievous, she brings that out in Marcus. Mates balance each other out they make each other while."

Noah took in her words, absorbing them to the fullest extent and making truly thinking about them. The concept of mates was something Noah had never truly understood, but now it was as though his brain lit up in understanding and his heart got all fuzzy with the thought. The suddenly another thought crossed his head.

"But I mean, Caius doesn't exactly seem like the type to like boys." Noah spoke softly and Jane smiled again.

"Well if he likes you, than that's all that really matters now isn't it?" Jane asked and Noah smiled then, blue eyes lighting up as he nodded. "Now come on, we can hang out with the others."

Jane took his hand and led them down a series of hallways until the reached a door that, upon opening revealed the other three main guards. They all looked up when they saw them enter, and Felix grinned good naturally.

"Hey flower boy, come to join the fun?" Felix questioned and Noah looked around then, seeing a large flat screen and what appeared to be hundreds of video games, in one corner stood several game tables. The sight was definitely not what Noah expected. Demetri must of saw this because he laughed.

"What, expected us to still live in the Stone Age?" He asked with a chuckle making Noah blush and shake his head.

"No, but I wasn't exactly expecting this." Noah replied honestly. At this the pair both chuckled and waved him over.

"Come on then, let's see if you can play."

Noah and Jane both walked over, the boy sitting down and grabbing a remote to play some video game Felix had picked.

They all sat there then, playing for hours at a time. The room was filled with Demetri and Felix's loud yells whenever they lost, Jane's teasings that they acted like babies. Alec's soft laughter when he looked up from his book.

In that moment, Noah felt more at home then he had ever been. In that moment, Noah knew that these people were his family.


annoyed marcus is the best marcus.

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