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Noah found that there was a change in dynamic between Caius and he after that first date. The brunet boy now often found himself in the company of the King more than he ever had before, not that Noah minded. It was quite the opposite truly, Noah found himself aimlessly wandering into the library when he had a spare moment of time in the hopes that he would find Caius there, regally sitting at a mahogany desk in the back corner with books no doubt older then Carlisle surrounding him.

They touched more as well. They were simple things, forearms or shoulders brushing against one another when they walked. Pinkies hitting each other shyly as though to convey a silent message of what they both wanted, but were to apprehensive to actually do. Hands gently skimming the tops of the others shoulders when they walked past one another to grab a book from the shelves, or ankles touching despite the room. They were all small touches, things that a human would most likely not think twice about. Noah and Caius were not human though, and vampires for the most part had complete control over their bodies, meaning that each brush of arm, shoulder, hand, or leg was very, very purposeful.

They had gone on two more dates as well. Caius taking Noah out to both an opera and an art museum that the boy thoroughly enjoyed and spend the majority of the time dragging Caius around and pointing like a little kid whenever he could. Caius didn't seem to mind however, and Noah was pretty sure Caius spent more time watching him then he did the actual art. Whenever Noah caught him looking the boy would always turn a bright shade of red but he never told Caius to stop looking.

Today, weeks after that first date, Noah was busy reading a book in Italian. Heidi had told him that reading a book he read in english and then reading it in Italian would help him better understand the novel. That's how Caius found him; curled up on a particularly comfortable red sofa, with the Italian version of Romeo and Juliet in his hands, blue eyes so focused on the pages that he didn't even notice the blonde until he sat down directly across from him with and made a deliberate noise. Noah jumped, the book nearly tumbling out of his hands and a distressed noise leaving his lips as his eyes darted towards Caius, who looked thoroughly amused with the state of his mates appearance.

"Jesus Christ." Noah breathed, running a hand through his hair as he reached out for his bookmark. Caius tilted his head to the side and his lips curled into an amused smirk.

"Now I've been called a lot of things in my time, but I will admit that that's a new one." The blonde king teased and Noah half choked at the sound of the teasing.

"Haha. Real funny, didn't know you immortal kings were such comedians." The younger mumbled, cheeks a nice shade of pink, though a small bouquet of Delphiniums and Holly grew in the planter a few feet away and Noah's blush deepened, not having meant to grow the flowers. Caius smiled softly at the sight of the flowers and his eyes looked to the cover of the book, and his smile widened even more.

"Romeo and Juliet? I figured you were a romantic, though I do hope your not a fan of tragedy." Caius mused, his eyes soft and Noah couldn't help but give his own small smile.

"No, I am a fan of happy endings." The boy agreed and Caius nodded, seemingly taking a mental note of that before he looked up.

"I'll have to remember that." Caius noted and Noah's face was aflame once again, though judging from the look of satisfaction that Caius practically emitted into the air, he had done it on purpose.

"You ass." Noah muttered, throwing a pillow at Caius before he even knew what he was doing. Then remembering that he had just thrown a pillow at the most volatile member of the most dangerous Coven on the planet, his eyes widened and an apology hung on the tip of his tongue when he saw the look in Caius' eyes. He held the pillow in one hand, and looked at Noah with an unreadable expression before his lips curled up and a soft laugh tumbled from his parted lips. Noah was shocked slightly from the sound, all movement ceasing as he stopped to just admire the sound. It was easily the best noise he had ever heard, and Noah was fairly sure he could hear angels sighing at the sheer beauty of the rich noise. Carnations bloomed and Noah had never been more hooked on Caius Volturi then he was in that moment.

"Noah." Caius found him in a garden next, the sun setting and the flowers having never looked better then under those blue watchful eyes.

"Yes Caius?" The boy answered, head tilting towards the empty seat besides him that Caius took immediately, sitting so close that their shoulders brushed even though the bench was big enough to fit them both comfortably.

"I have a proposition for you." The ever so formal King stated after a moment of peaceful silence. Noah made a humming noise and turned his full attention to the other male, their eyes locked, blue greeting red like an old friend.

"I was wondering, considering that you are my soulmate, and I have been thoroughly enjoying your company over the past few months, if you would like to move in with me." Caius spoke confidently, though his long fingers twisted the Volturi crest that sat on his forefinger gave away his nerves.

Noah was in a slight shock, the boy had only been staying at the castle for a few months. He had only known Caius for a few months, and this change would change everything. He had no idea what Bella would think, what any of the Cullen's would think, he was still so young. All the negatives rushed into his head at once and once he did find his answer, he was relatively sure it was the right thing to say.

"Yes, of course." The smile that he got was well worth all the inner turmoil, and if either of them noticed the lilac and ambrosia that was beginning to grow up the bench, they didn't say anything.

— delphiniums: joy
— holly: domestic happiness
— carnations: fascination
— lilac: first emotion of love
— ambrosia: a love returned

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2018 ⏰

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