*still Ziva's pov*
This year was so exciting. Tali's first steps, first words, first basically everything was during this time. She's really growing fast. I see more of her father in her every day...
I had another job offering Mossad today. They really want me back, but I just don't think it would be right. I want to start fresh. Also, I have a daughter now.
I took Tali to a friend's house today. His name is Mayir. His father was a business associate of my father, so we grew up together. He heard i was back in town for good and invited me for dinner, so I decided to go.
"Ziva, how wonderful to see you!" He said as he greeted me at the door.
"And you, too, Mayir. This is Tali, my daughter." I motioned to Tali, who was propped up on my hip, staring at Mayir with her innocent little eyes.
"Come in, come in," he welcomed me. I followed him in and to the dinner table. As I set Tali up with some cheerios to munch on, Mayir served us dinner.
"How old is she?" He asked.
"She's almost two," I replied.
"Wow.. and where is her father?"
I glanced away. "He's in America... he doesn't know about her..."
"I apologize, it must be a sensitive subject." Mayir took another bite of his food.
"No, no. It's fine," I said as I poked the food on my plate. It wasn't very appetizing.
Mayir put his hand on mine over the table. "You know, Tali could use a father figure in her life..."
I lowered my eyebrows. "What do you mean?"
"Every kid needs a dad... I could, provide this need in a manner of speaking," he implied much more judging by his tone.
I took my hand back. "Mayir, what are you doing??? I'm not looking for a relationship... was this is a date???"
"No. No... maybe the start of one?" He was still offering me this. This man has got to be kidding!
I slightly laughed. "You're kidding me.. mayir, on what planet would I ever date you??? You're practically a murderer!"
"So what??? So are you! We were both raised the same way, ziva. You're more of a killer than I ever was."
I stared at him for a moment. I knew he was right, but I couldn't believe he'd say it. Without hesitation, I picked Tali up, grabbed my things, and left.
After that night, Mayir and I didn't speak again... I wouldn't have it. I knew he was right. I was a killer... but I had long ago dealt with that.
He was right about one other thing, however... Tali needed a father... but was it too late??
Hey guys! It's Abi here... sorry I've disappeared recently. I haven't been very motivated to write recently.
Anyway. Thanks for reading and don't forget to vote!!!

The Daughter ***Tiva*** {{ABANDONED}}
Фанфик{{ ABANDONED STORY }} This is the third book in my series I've been writing. You don't need to read the first two, but it definitely would provide some backstory. If you'd like to read the first two, they are titled: The Hunt, and The Engagement. ...