4 years old

380 15 0

Tony kissed my neck as I lay in bed. The birds chirped outside the window, and just the right amount of sun was shining in.

Suddenly, the sun "went out" and darkness surrounded me. I heard screaming, then the familiar crackle of the beast of death and destruction... fire....

The walls and ceiling were on fire. Heat filled the room. I sat up and tried to scream, but the fire must've been drying out my vocal chords.

A burnt corpse lay next to me, right where Tony slept. I heard Tali crying. In an instant, I was running into her room. Between me and her, a wall of fire threatened separation.

I screamed as I watched my daughter burn alive. My legs collapsed from under me and I was suddenly falling, falling, falling, until BAM!

I woke up from my nightmare breathing fast and heavy. Tony was next to me in bed. He had obviously been trying to wake me up.

I sat up, frowning. I couldn't help myself and got up to check on Tali. Tony followed me.

"Ziva, what's going on?"

I paid no attention to him, and simply made my way through the darkened house. It dawned on me that it was only four in the morning.

I walked into Tali's room and made sure she was safe. Tony stood in the hallway, tired and confused.

After I'd closed Tali's door with a squeak, Tony touched my arm. "Ziva, what's going on???"

I shook my head, "it's nothing. Let's just go back to bed."

He followed me back into the room, protesting, "that wasn't nothing. Ziva, it's getting worse, isn't it?"

I didn't answer.

He grabbed my hand and turned me to face him. "Ziva, tell me what's going on?"

His soothing voice echoed through my mind; it calmed me into a vulnerable state, and I hugged Tony, laying my exhausted body against him. He wrapped his arms around me, making me feel secure.

"It's been fine... the nightmares were fading... I guess it's just how Tali is going to kindergarten and changing again... it's just messing with me, I'm sorry."

"Hey," Tony looked at me. "Don't be sorry for being real." He kissed my head. "Let's get some sleep..."


The next morning was exciting and everyone buzzed about. It was Tali's first day at kindergarten. She was super excited, skipping around the house with everything she did.

I tied my hair into a ponytail while the excited girl danced while brushing her teeth.

"Careful, Tali. You're going to choke," I Warned.

She spit out the toothpaste and rebuttled, "no I won't, ima. I'm super careful."

I smirked and grabbed my makeup. It wasn't much, but it was something. "Alright. Go get abba and ask him to get you breakfast."

I heard her pitter patter feet as she ran to get Tony. As soon as I knew she was clear, I let my guard drop. I was exhausted.

But it was nice to know that she was going to be just fine... she'd grow up perfect. She had her father now, I had my husband. We were going to be okay... at least for the next year......

*dun dun DUN*

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