Tali's Home

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**Ziva's POV**

We got Tali home and settled as soon as possible. The first few nights back were bumpy. Tony and I had to get back into parenting Tali. Six months changed a lot.

Tali had some behavioral issues as well. She was used to opposing the authority, as my stubborn little girl is. So we had a few bumps, but we made it back to relatively normal.

Tali's skills were more advanced now. Her physical and mental skills were above that of a seven year old. All in just six months...


Another hard part after she returned would be the funerals. The four children on our street who didn't make it out were the saddest to us.

It could've been anyone. It could've been Tali. Which only made us treasure her more.

Although... the rough times did bring doubts.


**narrators POV**

"Tali," Ziva knocked softly on her door before opening it, "time to get up, sweetheart."

Tali rolled over in her bed with a moan. Ziva walked over and pulled back the covers.

"C'mon, Tali. It's time for school."

Tali furrowed her eyebrows and whined, "noo."

"Tali, now," Ziva said a bit more strict.

In a bit of rage, Tali kicked Ziva's arm away, "go away!"

Ziva gasped. Tali had never been violent towards her. She cleared her throat and spoke strict and solemnly. "Tali, sit up. Now."

Ziva gripped Tali's arms and pulled the resisting girl to a sitting position. She struggled to get the squirming child to look at her.

"Look at me, Tali. You do not kick anyone, understand? It hurts and it's disrespectful. You do not kick or hit or hurt them in any way."

"Why not?" She protested.

"Because otherwise you will be in trouble," Ziva explained simply. "Now go get ready for school."


Later that day, Ziva wandered over to Tony's desk during a quieter moment. "Tali had a rough morning... She's having a tougher time readjusting than I thought..."

"What do you want to do?" Tony asked.

"I don't know... therapy?"

Tony nodded, considering. "That could work... want me to find one, or do you?"

"I think I'll talk to the state or look on the NCIS resources and see if they recommend one..."

"Okay. Whatever you think is best, Zi." He kissed her cheek.


With weekly visits to the therapist, Tali discovered better ways to control her anger, attitude, and work through her problems. She adjusted well and things slowly got back to normal.

Everything was going to be just fine... for now.

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