Tali has really blossomed over the last year. She is so much like tony, it's quite scary. Her quick-witted young mind can be mistaken as being a smartalec, so she can get in trouble by what she says sometimes... And just like Tony, she loves me. Not to brag or anything, but I think I'm the favorite parent.
I woke up to her tapping on my arm at 3 in the morning. I groaned and peeked open my eyes. "What is it, baby?"
"I can't sleep," she whispered. "Can I sleep up here?"
"Not tonight, Tali. Ima's got a busy day tomorrow. I can't have you tossing and turning. Go get your teddy and think happy thoughts until you fall asleep, okay?"
She nodded and went back to bed. I rolled over to face Tony. He stirred and opened his eyes. "What was that about?"
"She couldn't sleep... I took care of it."
He kissed me lightly. "Good," he half whispered as he drifted off to sleep. I was right behind him.
It was some of the deepest sleep i have ever experienced. Completely unreal. My mind stretched all the way back in my memories to being a Mossad trainee -- something that hadn't crossed my mind in years. Their ways were so backwards from NCIS.
When I woke up, I noticed the empty bed next to me. I sat up and Tony came rushing in the room, not even seeing I was awake.
"Good morning?" I asked.
Tony looked at me, his mind obviously running a hundred miles a minute. "How long do you think you slept?"
"What?" I questioned.
"How long!?"
My mind blanked as I tried to think about what it felt like. "I don't know. A few hours?"
He rubbed his forehead and grunted. I furrowed my brow. "What is it, Tony?"
"It's 3 o'clock in the afternoon. And the worst thing is... Tali is gone!"
"She can't just be gone!" I yelled as I looked around her room frantically. "How did we sleep so long??? I haven't slept more than 6 hours a night since she was born!"
"I know," Tony said.
I began pacing, looking for anything. "She wouldn't just leave. She knows not to get up unless we are up. She wouldn't do it! There has to be something else!"
"I know."
I walked up to Tony, "she's gone!"
He grabbed my shoulders, "ziva!" Then he lowered his voice, "I know..."
Suddenly, the overwhelming realization hit me like a ton of cement and I began to cry... sob.. wail... Whatever you want to call it, I was doing it.
I fell apart like a tissue in some water. Except the water was my tears and the tissue was my fear coming to life. My daughter was gone!
When Tony and I had finally composed ourselves, we called Gibbs and took pictures of everything, as he ordered to. Then we sat on the couch and waited... the silence was so thick, it could've been cut with a knife...
The whole ncis crew arrived and searched our entire house. The evidence showed signs of a breakin, and some residue left behind on the carpet. That was a good thing. We could possibly trace back to the kidnapper...
"She was kidnapped, then," I said when no one else would say it. We all stood in the living room, stating at the evidence.
Tony looked at me. "We don't know that for sure.."

The Daughter ***Tiva*** {{ABANDONED}}
Fiksi Penggemar{{ ABANDONED STORY }} This is the third book in my series I've been writing. You don't need to read the first two, but it definitely would provide some backstory. If you'd like to read the first two, they are titled: The Hunt, and The Engagement. ...