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--- Danish's POV---

"Wake up!" I heard someone say.

I carried on sleeping. I was in no hurry to wake up.

"Get up! Your gonna be late!"

I slowly opened my eyes to see my friend.

"How the hell did you get inside my room?" I asked sitting up.

"You didn't lock it," he said.

"Rohan!" I complained.

"Rohan!" I complained

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"Up!" He said. "I'm not getting late because of you."

He left and I had no choice but to get up.

Let's just see how today goes.

---Ruhani's POV----

I  was finally home. Such a long day, but thankfully it went by.

The people at work weren't so bad. Everyone made me feel welcomed not only in the office, but in this new country.

I have a feeling I will forget about my past and be able to focus on a new beginning, which is why I came here in the first place.

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