A kiss that means nothing

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Betty was so happy. She was on her way to her one and onlys trailer that they were soon to have him move out of . It was there 5th year together. Betty couldn't even sleep from excitement the night before. She parked her car walking up to his trailer. She took out her key chain with old keys, one popped out the most. A apartment in the apartment in riverdale. He asked her to move in with him tomorrow but help him pack. She was over the rooftop happy that they were moving to a next level. They'd spend everyday together and decide from then if they want a future. Which they already decided, they did.a house when ready plus children They agreed on a dog first who would be named hot dog. Like the serpents have one. She opened the door smiling only to be let down. Who would have guessed Betty would become so sad over something so small over something as a kiss. There he was, Jughead jones the third with Toni topaz. A bisexual girl what was almost the same as him. The two sharing a kissing in what was supposed to be Jugheads old home. She didn't know how to react or what to even say. All her dreams went down the drain. All hopes for them working out forever and after was smashed. Betty's eyes watered once reality hit her right in the face. "Your a liar "she shouted throwing the key at him running out going to her own apartment. She drove away in her car crying. Her vision was blurred and tears were constantly streaming. She didn't notice the van with a drunk driver speeding down the road. She turned in left and everything felt so slow. The truck hit her. Her car went flipping ,the glass shattering,Stabbing her in different places, blood cane from her nose as she landed upside down. She tried to blink her vision back but ended up, not only losing her vision,she lost stability.

Beep beep beep

All day. Everyday. Depression was taking over her and she's barley touched her food or talk. She hasn't even smiled once. She wasn't allowed to leave for months. It's been months.

Beep beep beep

"That sound is driving me psychotic. "Betty bitched. "Ma'am. The doctor has recommended something " the nurse said. "How about we just get you off a the Machine and into your new door and we can talk about it there. "How long will I stay here..."Betty asked hopeless. "I know. But only one more month. To make sure your walking right"the nurse promised. "Fine"Betty sighed getting up holding onto the mans arm what come in to help her. "You know I could use s walker You don't have to do this everyday "Betty asked. "For a pretty lady. I don't mind"he winked. She looked straight. All she could think about what she saw in his trailer. Her eyes prickled with tears once again. The door was open and she immediately felt like she was in a asylum "we decided to do this so you can have a pet .. or child"the doctor walked in. "I can have a child when necessary "Betty said. They looked at her before coughing. "No you can't Betty"the nurse said. "The glass got to somewhere it shouldn't have and it damaged it... you don't work like that anymore"the doctor said Betty looked at him like her life ended. She covering her face slouching down starting to sob. They left her alone after that... after 4 days of not talking to anyone of them the nurse walked in. "I was a dog... aI want him to be white and grow big. And love me. And I wanna name him hot dog"she asked. She remembers telling Jughead the same thing. "Yes ma'am. Right away" the nurse rushed out smiling. Betty smiled a bit closing her eyes holding herself.

"Hot dog"Betty called from her apartment door room. He came running coming inside. After two more months she finally got to go home. Veronica and Kevin wanted to take her out and she decided to. "Stay here for a bit. Mommy will be home soon"Betty smiled putting in her earring. She walked to the car outside. "Yaaas girl. Slay "Kevin and Ronnie shouted. She laughed flipping her hair. Her dress was a wine purple and the only dress that actually shows

As soon as they got to the club Betty decided to drown herself in shots and get totally waisted

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As soon as they got to the club Betty decided to drown herself in shots and get totally waisted. Which she did. A guys touched up in her she kept pushing away. "Dude no"Betty said looking for Ronnie who she thought was in the back but truthtullh left with keven because a guys told them she was upset seeing Jughead and left. She stumbled out of the pack near falling. Someone grabbed her pinning her to the wall. "I guess it wasn't so hard"he smiled slipping his hands under her dress cuffing her. He placed kisses everywhere while she tried to her him off.

Jughead. Now Betty was depressed but Jughead was far worst. Blaming himself for the accident , sinking deeper into the serpents work, pushing away Toni at any coast , along as Archie and Veronica. He and a few other serpents grabbed a guy. Jughead slammed him to the wall. "Now are you gonna give us the money or not?!"Jughead asked. The guy differ in his pocket putting out 700. Jughead snatched it taking it from him counting it. "Thank you sir"Jughead smiled punching him out. He shook his hand checking it out. "It wasn't as hard as it sounded suprisly"Jughead laughed. "N-no. "A girl squealed. It sounded way to familiar. He starated to walk over along the guys. "Stop fighting "a guy shouted as a blond played A damsel in distress. "Get off of her"Jughead shouted knowing that blond princesses was Betty cooper herself. He grabbed his collar slamming him to the wall as hard as he could. He punched him Constantly, forgetting that Betty was no longer his. He best the crap out of the man like Betty was him wife. She wouldn't have been by now if he didn't play so much. His bloody knocked made it known he wasn't playing. "I want you guys to wake him up and it's us not to fuck with. I gotta take her home"Jughead said. He picked her up like a princess remembering her apartment wasn't to far. Once he got there he was flooded with memories. Of her and him. There planning her. Kissing touching in front of a damn door. He took out his keys Remembering the key that they shared because there home is her\his home. He sighed sadly opening the door walking to her bed laying her down. A dog came laying by her going to sleep. Jughead couldn't help himself but to pet the dog. "Hot dog"he read the name out loud. He pouted nodding sadly. This was no fair. She seems so happy. "I know your not gonna remember this but. Toni kissed me. I didn't kiss her back I didn't ask her to kiss me I didn't want her to. She just did it. And I froze. I invited her to tell her that i finally asked you to move in. And I was so happy when you told me yes by the way. Anyways. She wasn't. She said this was her last shot of seeing if there were nothing. Even after you left she me there's she felt nothing. I even blocked her from my life. I'm sorry I didn't stop you from getting in the car. I was just so shocked. I couldn't move. It happened so quickly "Jughead explained to the drunk Betty. Homely the 20 hour nap. Wearer it off. He got up walking away. "Stay. Please. Stay"she begged quietly. Not as drunk anymore. He smiled lightly taking off his shirt and shoes. "I love you"she said going back to sleep. He sank in the bed with her in his arms. "I love you so much"he promised kissing her head missing it. He'd never get tired of this. Or at least never with her.

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