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It was too dark to see what was in it but as Josh turned back to me I thought I'd recognize black color.

"Black color?", I asked confused and frowned.

"Wait." said Josh lightly before he moved closer to me. "Fear and uncertainty", began he, "That's not you, you know, hopefully."

Surprised I looked at him, I did not expect that he would raise this issue again. "I don't know," I replied "I don't know it's like 'someone' in me, a kind of voice, that tells me that something bad will happen."

"Exactly," said Josh, "that's not you, that is an evil version of you with all the properties that you do not own. Like a blurred image of your part. Blurryface."

Josh hit it exactly. So exactly, that I was almost worried. I nodded silently, he was right and yet I knew that I never could beat Blurryface. He sit in my head and make my life like hell. I am always afraid of my head, in front of these voices and what they said.

"Your hands.." said Josh "give me your hands."
I held up my hands to him, which he took in his. A warm feeling was in me, which I could not assign. For a moment my hands was in his and I didn't know why but when he gave me my hands back, I somehow wish he hadn't.
Instead, he dunked his finger in the black color and wanted to touch my hand already, before he stopped. "Can I?"

I nodded completely confused. I still didn't understand what he was doing, but I was curious. And, if I was honest, I don't care what he was doing if he just wouldn't let go of my hands.

And so Josh put the color on the palm of my hand before he dipped his fingers again in the colour, gently turned my hand and distributed the color on the back of the hand. He did the same with the other hand. Satisfied, he considered his work before he looked up to me.

"There is Blurryface," he told me quietly and at last I understood what he wanted. I was just not quite sure why and how it should help me. "And now...", he muttered sat down upright, so he was higher, "your neck. Can I...?", he asked again and again I nodded.

Josh put his left hand on my neck and held my head while he put the black color on me. I could clearly feel his warm breath on my skin and my heart was beating so fast in my chest that I was sure that Josh had to notice it.

"Ready", said Josh finally and moved away a little from me. I didn't know why but I had the urge to sit closer with him. I understand my thoughts and feelings but somehow it's so different, strange.

"Before I forget", he said as he turned away and again hold something like this black colour in his hands. I saw a bright red, like Josh's hair. He dipped his two fingers in it and distributed the red over and on his eyelids.

"And what does that mean?", I asked him curiously while he turned the box back in his bag.
He laughed softly, before he replied. "My war paint."

"So, what do you fight for?", I wanted to know and his lips formed a beautiful, soft smile.

"For you of course."

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