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"Tyler? Do you hear me?"
I tore my eyes from the paralysis and brought me back again to reality. My teacher stood in front of me with her eyebrows raised and her lips pressed together.
I didn't say anything, she knew that I had no attention to her.

"How do you want to learn something if you never listen to me?" she shook her head. The entire class looked to me. She thinks I am depressed, strange and crazy and the class thought I would jump at the first opportunity out of the window. But they're probably not entirely wrong.

"Sorry", I mumbled but we both knew that it wouldn't change anything. I hated this place, I hated these people here. The only thing to survive the hours in the school was that I could drag myself back in my head.

The teacher sighed. "Now look, it's important."
And with these words she went back in front of the table while my classmates turned away from me.

"As already announced, you all have to make a presentation with a partner.", she explained.
I slid back from reality and ignored her again. Work. Partner. It would end up again that I work alone.

"I have chosen your partner" she announced cheerfully and now she had my attention again. I sat there completely mute, eyes wide open and my hands began to tremble. That was worse than to stay alone. That meant that I had to talk with anyone and meet them to work on this thing.
She began to read the list of names down.

"Joseph and.." I held my breath. "Dun."
Wait.. Jordan?

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