No. 1 Party Anthem Part 2

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I sat back down this time returning to the table that included Luke and the rest of the gang. I was slightly tempted to follow Ashton and help him, but lets be real, I was about as scary as a bunny.

"Where were you?" Mia pulled me down on her lap. She was the more touchy feel-y one of my cousins. She loved hugs, having people close to her, cuddling, and kisses your cheek. Most of my family wasn't like that, we typically hated affection.

"Dancing." I grabbed her glass of champagne and took a sip. "With Ashton."

"WHAT?!" The three guys questioned.

"We haven't been able to get him to sit down for longer than a minute, how did you manage to dance with him?" Luke sat, fiddling with Alya's fingers. But I think Luke was more so asking me why I was even interacting with Ashton without his supervision.

"I was helping him hide from his girlfriend or whatever." I took another sip of champagne at the same time taking the empty seat next to my cousin. Mia's lap just wasn't cutting it for comfort.

"Guys," Ashton slammed his hands on the table, noticeably out of breath. "I don't know how to get rid of her."

"We can ask security to escort her out if she's that much of a hassle." I recommended, hoping he'd agree. Sure, it'd cause a scene but it'd be worth it.

"I don't want to mean bu-"

"Ashton, come on! I want to dance." Sarah dragged him away.

The group laughed, feeling bad for the curly-haired boy. Like clock work, the music stopped. "I'm going to need everyone to clear the dance floor and make room for Mr. and Mrs. Hemmings." The DJ signaled his assistant to place a chair in the middle of the floor. Ana and Jack appeared hand-in-hand. Ana rested in the chair while Jack stood in front of her. It was now time for the groom to mischievously remove the bride's garter.

"I think I might take you up on the security thing." Ashton stood in front of us again with his hands on his hips.

"How did you manage to chew yourself off the leash she had you on?" Calum boldly asked.

"She's in the bathroom freshening up." Ashton filled the space next to me. "Thanks for helping me out back there, Talia."

"Anything for Luke's friends." I verified.

"Oh?" Michael raised an eyebrow. "I have this cramp that keeps reoccurring in my upper thigh, kinda near my hip, could you chec-"

"I don't want to see your penis, Michael." I rolled my eyes.

"Well, don't say I didn't offer!"

"Michael," Luke was disappointingly shaking his head. "Just, no."

"Can I get all the single, beautiful ladies to come to the dance floor?" I groaned at the DJ's request. The tossing of the bouquet was my least favorite thing. My cousins had already sprinted off, perceptibly zealous to get the bouquet so they'd be the next in line to get married because they all desperately wanted a husband and kids sooner rather than later. I could wait.

"Go on out, Talia!" Luke egged on.

"I'm good."

"Mate," Michael turned back around to meet Ashton's gaze. "Sarah's out there. What the hell are you gonna do if she catches it?"

Ashton groaned, probably thinking that Sarah would somehow convince him to marry her and he'd be stuck with her for life, "Don't jinx it!"

And Michael jinxed it. Sarah had a clear catch, she didn't even have to put up a brawl for it. She sprung up and down repeatedly, still managing to land on her feet gracefully despite the six-inch heels she was sporting.

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