Double Dates

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"Now tell me why we agreed to this double date?" I checked my outfit in the mirror in Ashton's bedroom. I needed to look at least semi-decent in comparison to Arina. Ashton and I had agreed to double date with her and Luke even though Ashton and I had no exact labels on what we were. Maybe the night would finally make things official for the two of us and I wouldn't have to sit in a pit of limbo, wondering where we stood and where didn't stand.

I smoothed out my leopard dress shirt, it was starting to feel like it was too much as it was tucked into my leather mini skirt. It felt like I was trying to impress Arina, rather than Ashton or myself. I just hated to feel like I didn't fit in. Who would've thought they would be dealing with the struggles of not fitting in after high school? It was kind of a shitty feeling that made me anxious.

Ashton's black skinny jeans, were skinnier than usual. He looked like he melted himself and poured himself into them. "You know, now that we're here getting ready...I can't even give you a good reason." He swung a black leather jacket over his black band tee. He shook out his waves so they covered his forehead.

"I have nothing in common with her." I sighed, brushing out my curls that had finally set. "This is going to be hell."

I couldn't remember the last time I sat down with another girl and had a conversation with one. It wasn't because I was some pretentious bitch that thought I got along better with guys than girls and believed girls just brought drama. I truly wanted good female vibes in my life, I was just still lost on how to communicate with a lot of people since I had grown accustomed to Luke.

"If anything we can show up for five minutes and then say we're sick." Ashton stood behind me in the mirror, careful not to take up too much of the picture so I could still check my outfit once, twice, and maybe a fifth time because he knew without me saying anything that I felt stupid. "Food poisoning from Moonshadows is always convincing." He brushed my hair over one of my shoulders, exposing the skin on my neck and peppering it with kisses. Instantly, a few nerves were eased.

I closed my eyes, taking in the moment and trying to melt into his touch the best I could.

"The seafood is so expensive-"

"it makes you sick." Ashton finished my sentenced with his signature giggle. He ran his hands up and down my arms. "You look beautiful. Don't worry. If you feel like you need to leave, then we can leave. I'm sure Luke will understand."

"We'll see how it goes."


Luke had chosen Cafe Crepe as our dinner location. It was a cute place in the heart of downtown Santa Monica. I had never been, neither had Ashton, but Luke swore it was the best place to get a crepe in the area.

I awkwardly sipped my water as I tried to direct my eyes anywhere else but the PDA between Luke and Arina. I felt like I was invading their privacy. This time Arina wore a mesh top with a bralette underneath and a pair of distressed dark wash jeans. Her makeup looked like an Instagram makeup artist did it and her hair was in its natural unruly curls.

I could feel everyone staring at us. I didn't need to glance over at anyone to know our table was the center of attention.

"I need a bathroom break." Arina kissed Luke's cheek and grabbed her purse before darting to the bathroom.

I stifled my laughter as I turned to Ashton, hoping he was sharing the same expression as me, but he looked pissed.

"Weak bladder?" Ashton didn't wait a second to ask that in a sarcastic tone.

"What do you mean?" Luke chuckled, stirring his chocolate milk with a straw.

"She sure takes a lot of bathroom breaks." Ashton said harshly.

I loved how gutsy Ashton could be. He always said the things that no one else had the guts to say. I admired that about him. I wanted to be like that.

"Weak stomach." Was all Luke said.

I rolled my eyes. Weak stomach my ass. I lived in California way too long to put someone's bathroom breaks aside as them having a weak stomach. It was almost always drugs. In high school, it was a no brainer on what was going on when you saw the popular clique leaving the bathroom and rubbing their noses. No one here was stupid, they just liked to ignore those things.

"How did you two meet?" I asked Luke.

I hadn't gotten a chance to talk to him recently since he'd been caught up with Arina. I wouldn't dare call him and questioned him while she was around and have her rip my head off.

"Honestly?" Luke flickered his eyes between Ashton and I.

"Yeah, don't fucking lie to us." Ashton scoffed.

"Management." His eyes dropped to the table. He seemed sad. "It's all PR."

"Why haven't you said anything to me or the guys?" Ashton was starting to get defensive. He protected Luke, Calum, and Michael like they were his brothers. If one of them was doing something stupid, Ashton was there to call them out. If one of them was hiding something, Ashton was there to pry the truth out of them no matter what it took.

"Then why are you guys making it seem so real?" I asked because I felt like that was the more important question. I didn't know how these PR stunts worked or why they needed to be a thing. Frankly, I didn't want to know how this world of fame and fortune worked because it felt so toxic.

"A deal is a deal, you know?" Luke shrugged his shoulders.

Ashton opened his mouth to continue the conversation, but Arina was already sliding into the booth with a giddy smile on her face. There was always this sure sign she was high on something. As when she was sober she would only be focused on Luke, but as soon as she was high she was sweet and talkative with everyone else around her.

"Sorry. Weak stomach." She tucked her raven curls behind her ears, sniffling. "I get a little sensitive with scents sometimes."

"No worries." Ashton and I muttered at the same time.

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