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If sleep was something I wanted, I absolutely wasn't going to get it. At least not at the moment. I suppose I slept for only thirty minutes before Xander was jumping on the bed in hopes to wake me up. I didn't know any other person in the world that loved traveling and not sleeping as much as my brother.

"Wake up! Brunch is by the pool!"

"What do you mean brunch is by the pool? It's too early for brunch." I placed one of the plush white pillows over my head to block out the sun that was beaming in. The white theme of the room was certainly highlighted by the sun and made my eyes burn and my head throb.

"It's actually 11:20 AM, you've been asleep since 8. It's time to wake up." He grabbed the pillow that covered my head and began whacking me with it. He was obviously lying, I was only asleep for a couple of minutes. "Lets go! We have things to do, people to see, food to eat!"

"OKAY!" I sat up, blinking away the dizziness from sitting up too quickly. "Actually, I'll be out in a minute, I need to make a quick phone call."

Xander hoped off the bed, grabbing his sunglasses from the nightstand, "You better not go back to sleep. Ana is asking to see you as well."

"I won't, I promise." I'd like to think I was good at keeping promises. "Tell her I'll see her after I eat."

I really wasn't excited to see Ana after so long without her. She was my sister and I loved her, but I could do without her. If I thought my inner monologue was my biggest critic, Ana was my harshest critic. She always spoke about holding me to high standards and wanted me to apply to an Ivy League school, but it seemed as if that was only for her own benefit so she could have bragging rights with her friends and anyone else she met. We all knew Ana loved to brag. In fact, I didn't know what it was like to have a humble sister or one that at least supported me through my rough times. She was blind and I expected too much from her.

Once Xander had fled the room, I reached out for my phone that had gotten lost in the sheets when I was sleeping.

20% battery left. Five missed calls from Ashton. Two from Luke. Ten texts from Luke and three from Ashton.

Xander hadn't been lying about the time either, which made me feel worse because I hate to fall asleep and only feel like I had gotten a small amount of rest.

I called Ashton first, given that his texts seemed a bit more hysterical than Luke's. Luke knew me well enough to figure that I was tired, frustrated, and needed some alone time after being crammed in planes for so long and being harassed by Xander every given second. Luke also knew that if I really needed him, I would call and make a big fuss.

"Finally! Everything going okay?" I could hear him shuffling around, likely switching the side he was laying on to get more comfortable.

"Yeah." I yawned. "I fell asleep as soon as we got to the hotel."

"I kind of figured you would." He chuckled. "I wouldn't expect anything less from you."

"You know me very well." I joked. "How are you?"

I held the phone up to my ear with my shoulder while I shuffled through my suitcase for a cardigan to throw on. I couldn't remember what I had packed, but now that I was going through everything, I believe my mind thought it was a good idea to stuff my suitcase with endless amounts of underwear when I rush to pack.

"I'm good. I am missing you though."

"It's still an option to fly out." I pressed once again because I knew he was capable of it. "You know I enjoy your company."

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