I Can Make Eggs...?

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The night ended quite late. Ana and Jack only had the venue until one in the morning, but the party still went on until four in the morning. I excused myself from the party a little after one, feeling too drunk and too tired to continue the adventure through the party. It was a lovely celebration, but I was starting to feel like I couldn't breathe from being out too long.

I let my dress fall to the floor of my bedroom, sighing as the room kept spinning. I picked up the first pair of comfortable clothes I could find. A big sweatshirt and a pair of leggings were going to have to do. Plus, I was so drunk that they felt like the most comfortable things I had ever worn. I threw myself on my bed, staring at the ceiling. That too was spinning, making me feel like I was in a different element. I hated this part of being drunk. I slightly wanted to die and slightly wanted to sit out on my deck and wash the sun rise, but my eyes were also heavy.

I felt the heater kick on as the vent hit my face spot on, bringing me some life. I heard my phone ring from my vanity. A few texts came through, they were like Xander wondering why I left or Luke making sure I was okay. I groaned as I lifted from the bed.

Unknown number: Didn't realize you left, T. Wanna go get some breakfast?

Unknown number: Oh, right. LOL This is Ashton.

Talia: It's kinda late for that.

I had to take five deep breaths until I was able to finally type a coherent response back.

Ashton: Come on! It'll be fun.

Talia: 32058 PCH Malibu, CA 90265 we can hang out here

Ashton: See you soon, T.

It took him around ten minutes to arrive to my house. I think, at least. It seemed like an eternity had gone by because I had gotten so anxious about the possible outcome of what was going to happen when Ashton arrived. I didn't want to bore him with my simple life or not being to think of a response to anything he said or asked me. I also didn't want Ashton to get the wrong idea and think we were going to sleep with each other. I felt like many things could wrong and not too much could go right.

I sat in the kitchen with Ashton as he tried to figure out how to make waffles from scratch. He was more sober than I was, but he still couldn't figure it out.

"I can make eggs...?" He gave a tight smile, shrugging in anticipation that I would accept the eggs.

"That's fine." I laughed. "Over easy might make us feel better once we're sober anyway."

He nodded in agreement and raided my fridge for the eggs and pulled out the jug of orange juice.

"Any ibuprofen?"

"The drawer to the left of the oven." I pointed.

He lied out two pills for me and two for himself, serving us each a glass of orange juice to down the pills with before he started making the eggs.

"Thanks for the back up tonight." Ashton flipped an egg. "It helped."

"You're welcome. I'm glad I could help you out." I dipped my spinning head. My arms lied out in front of me on the counter and I fiddled with my fingers. I usually wasn't one to want to fill the silence between myself and someone else, but with Ashton I really scanned my head for any kind of topic or response. "You had a really good performance out there. I forgot how much fun it is to see you guys live."

"I tried to have my best show since I knew you were in the crowd." He teased, giggling a little.

"Try not to get my hopes up, Ashton." I teased back.

"Never will, T." He pointed. "Don't you worry your soul."


"I like this one." Ashton pointed to a picture of Luke and I by his Christmas tree last year. We had on matching ugly Christmas sweaters.

Ashton stood in front of my wall of pictures asking for the story behind every photo he saw. It was a lovely moment to bask in the past and recall the happy stories the pictures had.

"What's the story behind this one?" He motioned towards a picture of myself, Ana, Xander, Luke, and Ben all piled on top of Jack. We all had the brightest of smiles plastered on our faces. It was dated with October 2, 2013.

"Jack had stolen the remote and changed the channel while we were watching a movie," I said, reminiscing the moment, trying to feel the exact emotions I was feeling in the picture. "We kinda all just tackled him to the floor, thinking five against one would make him give up the remote. Liz took the photo."

"So, you guys always hung out a lot?" He asked. A lot of families hated each other. They were dysfunctional or jealous. Though there were a few families out there that really did love each other and had wholesome relationships. We got lucky to have the latter with Luke's family.

"It's not like we really have a choice." I joked. "They're just two doors down."

"What about this one?" He bit his lip as I watched him study the photo, trying to guess what the story for that one would be.

"That one..." I turned to the wall. February 28, 2012. "This is me and my brother's first picture with Ana after she got engaged. She had just gotten back from Cancun with Jack." She was glowing in the picture.

"What's this?" Ashton pointed to a specific picture, letting out his dorky laugh. The picture he was laughing at was one I hated but loved a lot. June 6, 2011. Luke had decided to play with my makeup and use my face as his canvas. I had on bright green eye shadow, my cheeks were a deep rouge, and my lips were a dark red. I was laughing in the picture, trying to cover my mouth with my hand, but it still peeked through my fingers.

"Courtesy of my fantastic makeup artist Luke Hemmings."

"Maybe he should stick to music." We chuckled together. "This one?"

"Luke's first trip to Greece!" The picture was taken a few days after the makeup situation. "My grandpa had convinced Luke to get on the boat he owns and go fishing. They had just gotten back, and Luke looked blissful since he had caught two or three fish. It was nice a moment."

"Wouldn't strike Luke as a fishing kind of guy."

"He's full of surprises."

Ashton nodded in agreement, not bothering to turn away from the wall. "Your family seems fun. You look like you've had a good life."

A good life, I did have. So, I couldn't think of why I was struck with such anxiety and sadness.

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