Letter Three

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August 11, 2014 [date received]

August 7, 2014 [date written]


I knew I had forgotten something the day I saw you, but I could not put my finger on it. Two days later, here I am upset because I didn't give you the books I bought you. I was so excited to had them to you and study your expressions closely as you examined each book, but my excitement went too far and I forgot to give them to you.

We're in Massachusetts for the next three to four days, I don't know what to do here. We're in Foxboro, exactly. Do you think there's anything fun to do here? I get a gut feeling there isn't.

Here are four books; two from Toronto, one from East Rutherford, and one from Foxboro. Calum picked them out so I don't know what they are. I hope they don't suck.

I have to wrap this letter up because the guys want to go to breakfast and we plan on stopping by the post office to mail afterwards.

Yours till the cat barks,


I was disheartened by the length of the letter, but decided against putting any thought into it as I put the letter in the first book from Toronto and added the books to the shelf. The more I filled the place with books, the more it began to feel like home. Some mornings the distinct scent of books was what I'd wake up to, making the apartment feel a tad more cozy.

The sunset announced itself in different shades of orange as it entered the windows of the living room and painted the wooden floors. I still hadn't purchased curtains. My view was not the most picturesque, across was another apartment building, one that wasn't as high up as mine. It stopped about two or three floors before reaching mine, so I had a good view of the sky and a few buildings up ahead. I guess curtains would not be that vital if no one could get a direct look in.

The air conditioner rumbled its way on and I pulled on a sweater to keep me warm. Ashton liked the place cold so I kept it cold and never tinkered with the temperature. For the reason I did not adjust the temperature to my liking was because the cold made it feel like he was here. My days would pass and at my loneliest moments I would pretend as if he was in the room taking a catnap or I would pretend he was in the shower and he'd come out surprising me with sloppy kisses on my cheeks and his shaggy hair would be dripping all over my clothes and couch while he giggled and clutched onto the towel a bit tighter so it wouldn't fall from its not-so-secure place on his hips.

I scrolled the emails on my laptop, not finding anything quite important. My inbox was made up of piles of spam, the 5 Seconds of Summer newsletter (I was yet to read), stores letting me know that they were having sells, and two messages from family.

Lukas Kozma: Missing you...

How is the city thus far? Are things going well? I think about you a lot, the house is empty lacking you and Xander here at all hours getting into some nuisance. I have considered communicating with you via SMS, but it's less meaningful to me and I'm still trying to figure it out. Work is also lonely without you, the assistant you hired - Rusty McDowell - he is pretty rusty when it comes to filing and calculating numbers correctly. (Did you notice the pun I made? (I'm sorry.)

How are you and Ashton? Your mother has Ashton's number now and I believe they use SMS very often to talk to each other. Ashton says you two are doing terrific! Which is good to hear, but I would like to hear your side as well. Your side is more important to me than his. Doesn't mom seem over-fond of the boy? If she was not married to me and if she was still roaming the grounds as Lena Kostopulous, my heart is telling me she'd be one hell of a cougar for this Ashton boy. I speak as if I don't care for him, he's on my good side, but I must keep a close eye on him until he proves himself to be worthy like Jack did. I'm only looking out for you.

Will you be coming to Malibu for Xander's birthday next month? We're giving him a big birthday dinner and the dinner would be incomplete if you weren't in attendance. Maybe Ashton will be free by then and he can show up too.

If you need anything, please let me or your mother know. You will probably decline the offer because you're eager to use your life savings, but just know the offer still stands.

I love you, darling!


Lukas Kozma, vice president of marketing
23815 Stuart Ranch Rd
Malibu, CA 90265
Phone: (310)-753-0839
Mobile: (310)-384-3494
Fax: (310)-754-2134

P.S. Liz wanted me to send her email so you could keep in touch with her and Andrew, they miss you more than they miss Luke!


I snort at the formality of my dad's sign off on the email. Only he would turn a casual email into something formal if he sent it from his work email. I reflected my response to the sweet message before clicking the big 'compose' button on the top left.


The city is incredible, I love it here. I never want to leave! So, Xander might not see me for his birthday! I feel at home here, this city has given me a sense of comfort that Malibu never could. You would be proud to know that I have already made friends! Jet and Noelle. You'd like them. Dad, the only thing bothering me about this place, is that Dick is my neighbor, or Rich, or Richard, whatever you know him by...

Ashton and I are doing good. He spent the twenty-ninth through the thirty-first with me and then I just saw him on the fifth in East Rutherford. Nothing feels the same without him here, is that normal? Do you feel that way with mom? Do you think Ana feels that way with Jack? and Xander with Sofia? I love Ashton and I'm thankful to have him in my life. I think I have grown so much as an individual since he's come along. Don't you think? I'm not as timid and I appear happier, I feel happier too!

Mom has always been bizarre. You should do me a favor and hide her phone from her for a good week.

If my school schedule is not crammed up I can surely try to make it for Xander's birthday. So I'll RSVP as a maybe. Don't know about Ashton though, he has a show the thirteenth, we'll see.

Thank you for being the best dad in the world. I love you so much.

Later tater,

Talia I. Kozma, Queen of Irwin-land
you know where I live
phone: just reach my mobile
mobile: you know the number
fax: i need to look into buying a fax machine

P.S. I will email Liz shortly!

ειλικρινά means 'sincerely'

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