Letter Five & Six

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September 22, 2014 [date received]

September 15, 2014 [date sent]

Just a few more book to add to the collection. I won't go into detail.

I hope school is well.

Will update you soon on the tour.


The vague length of this letter was not even worth my time. I shoved the letter - note - in the first book and placed the six books on the shelf. I wasn't going to bother looking through the books and finding out what they were about. It was Monday, so fuck books.

Throughout my clothing construction class, I got no sewing work done. I sorted out my sewing kit and listened to Noelle talk about whatever was on her mind. She wanted to know what California was like because she had never been and she wanted to know if my brother would ever consider leaving Sofia, for her.

In English class, I tried to listen attentively to the professor talk about Edgar Allan Poe's writing style, but I was more interested in drawing circles in my notebook.

My last class of the day was canceled and that was much to my relief. Curling up under the sheets in bed was coming to me like an unhealthy craving.

And I craved the act even more when Jet stopped me outside the school building wanting to talk.

"Everything good?" Her army green messenger back was crossing her body like the first day I met her. "Noelle said you were really off in clothing con..."

"Monday Blues." I only shrugged. "I'll see you around, Jet." I gave her a tight smile before I walked off.

Steer clear of Jet - check

Maybe I wasn't the greatest person in the world, but I had tried to stay away from being confronted by her since I returned.


At seven o'clock in the evening, right on dot, Noelle showed up. She texted me that she needed to talk to someone and I couldn't say no, I wanted company tonight as I was feeling extra lonely. Noelle was not that bad on her own. She took some time to get used to, but she was actually fun to hang around with. She didn't constantly criticize everything like Jet. Only because the girl probably couldn't function even to have an opinion of her own.

"Hi." Noelle had both her hands full. "I'm glad I have the right room."

"Here are some flowers for your dining room table and a picture frame." Noelle handed me the gifts and I let her pass through. "My parents told me to never show up to a person's house for the first time empty-handed."

"Well, thanks for the flowers and picture frame," I set the vase of daisies in the center of the dining table. The yellow really brightened the place with the dark colored furniture I owned. "It's really sweet of you to bring something."

The picture frame traveled with me to the couch and I set it on the coffee table. I began to think about the picture I'd put in the frame. Maybe one of me and my parents. That would be nice. "So, what did you need to talk about?"

"Jet." So, if Jet couldn't get to me, she was going to send Noelle to do her dirty work. Why was I always surprised by the things people did? I wanted to look off in the distance and give a narrow-eyed look to the invisible camera filming me like I was on The Office.

"What about her?" I tucked my legs under me, hugging one of the decorative pillows from the couch.

"There are somethings you don't know about her, somethings that I just learned about her..." Noelle was already flustered by whatever she was planning to spill. She was so flustered, that it made me want to talk to Jet instead. "She's tried to tell you herself, but she gets the idea that you want nothing to do with her."

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