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November 27, 2014 - Thanksgiving

"Where's Ashton?" Was how my mom greeted me at the door. I didn't get a hug or a kiss on the cheek, but I got her questioning where Ashton was. All of this stuff with Ashton had made me feel like my mom favored Ashton over me. She was always concerned about him, rarely to never was she concerned about me.

What would her reaction be if I told her about Luke and I?

"Family emergency." I nervously adjusted the bracelets on my wrist. "He had to go to Australia." That was the best lie I could come up with, when I had no clue where he was really at. That was another lie, he was probably with Sarah getting cozy with her and telling her how much he loved her.

"Is everything all right?" She asked. I nodded. "I hope so."

Since I would be here awhile I decided to unpack and place things in their given areas. Being in my room again and thinking about all that happened in here, made me feel so sick.

The house already smelt of the dessert my mom would be serving and that just reminded me, I was getting closer to stuffing my face with food. I had no problem eating my feelings.

"We're going to have dinner at the Hemmings, is that okay?" My mom's voice enters the room.

I turned to her. She wore a green apron and her hands were both covered with flour.

"That's fine."

Why couldn't we spend one holiday without Luke's family? Why couldn't it just be the Kozma's like it used to be?


Liz's take on expensive wine and salads to hold everyone until the turkey was ready and was a really good combination. The wine almost made me forget that I was eating something healthy.

While everyone else was in the living room and kitchen mingling, I was on the back deck, enjoying my food. I had always been obsessed with the smell of chlorine and salt mixed together in Luke's backyard. But I couldn't appreciate it when it was freezing outside. Though, I'd rather be freezing than be bombarding by more questions about Ashton.

"You've been okay, right?" Michael questioned as he shut the door behind him. He looked a little out of place with his colorful, spiked up hair and holding a wine glass. A bottle of beer would suit him better. I was surprised to see Michael and Calum trailing behind Luke when he arrived. My hopes were high, for a moment, that Ashton would be walking in too, but that was foolish.

"Better than ever." I went to battle with a pesky cherry tomato that wouldn't let me stab my fork in it.

"Better than Ash," Michael pointed out. "which is good."

If Michael really believed I was doing better than Ashton, then Michael was the most oblivious person I knew. I couldn't come up with a response, so I continued to eat my salad, hoping he'd just walk away, but that didn't happen because Calum was out here now.

"He's in LA if you want to do something completely wild and go see him. He refuses to leave the house." Michael stated.

"I'm okay."

"He thought about coming." Calum joined the conversation. "He wanted to see you."

I was done eating for now. I sighed and tossed my napkin on the plate. "I'm sure he's glad he didn't come."

"Dinner's ready!" Liz called out.

Xander, Michael, and Luke all fought over who was going to sit next to me. I ended the fight by sitting between Sofia and Jack. After serving ourselves massive amounts of food we went around the table, each saying what we were thankful for.

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