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July 30, 2014

Nothing could possibly bring me down today. I woke up at a decent time, ten in the morning and I had more energy than I had probably had in my entire life. The fact that I even got sleep, surprised me alone. I sat up in bed, yawning and stretching like people did in those sleeping pill commercials after they got a good nights sleep. I decided to skip breakfast because I was too excited to eat anything, so I started getting ready for Ashton's arrival.

I slipped on black laced panties with a matching bralette because I wasn't really in the mood to have my boobs constricted today, especially if I was just going to be hanging out with Ashton all day. I had grown into the habit of getting ready in my undergarments because it just made me feel more confident as I was doing so. I was living alone, too, so there was no one to barge in and see me, which was the loveliest thing. I tried to keep the same routine as if nothing was going to be different today. I washed up and then began the process of makeup. I buffed in a light coat of BB cream to my face, going straight for concealer to cover up any imperfections and to highlight specific features I wanted to stand out before adding a peach colored blush to the apples of my cheeks. After a back and forth fight with myself on eyeliner, I gave in and was feeling lucky that each side winged out evenly for a change. Could the outcome of your eyeliner predict how your day will go? I think so. Lastly, I curled my top eyelashes and coated them with mascara. I ignored the bottom lashes because the mascara always seems to smudge there even if I wore water proof mascara. Life was hard as a girl...I checked over my makeup just to make sure I was satisfied with everything before setting it with a powder and setting spray. I left my hair down in the usual wavy mess that needed a trim because I had horrid split ends.

Being the good girlfriend I was, I put on the very shirt Ashton suggested I wear. I almost felt like I was preparing for some sort of kinky porno.

I practically skipped to the living room to pop in the Primal Scream CD my dad gave me before I left to New York. The infectious tune of "Rocks" had me dancing throughout the space as I tidied up. Ashton and I had the same fondness of being organized and clean, so I felt he would really appreciate coming into a neat place for a change after being around messy guys.

I loaded the dishwasher with last night's dirty dishes I was too lazy to put in. I made stir fry for dinner, I ended up consuming all of the contents I made and then going into a possible food coma.

The knock on the door almost frustrated, me but I realized it could be Ashton showing up early. I oddly jog on the balls of my feet to the door, swinging it open. My frustration returns as I see who it was. It was not Ashton, it was Dick. He was standing in front of me holding a pie that dropped to the floor as quickly as his jaw did. It was an apple pie...my favorite. Fuck. He was such a creep. But now I definitely felt like I was living in a kinky porno that I wanted out of right this second. I guess one's eyeliner couldn't make predictions on how a day will go.

"Booger?" Dick's prying eyes suddenly made me feel self-conscious standing in only Ashton's shirt with lace lingerie underneath. I awkwardly yanked on the hem of the shirt, trying to pull it further down my thighs like that was really going to solve anything for me.

"H-how did you find me?" My attempt to cover my legs, caused me to trip over my own feet. Real smooth, T. I elected for crossing my legs and holding on to the door for dear life, in preparation to slam it in Dick's face the exact moment he said something wrong. But that warm apple pie did look really pleasing at the moment. Maybe I could coax him into making me another one. God, Talia, don't be tempted with food by him again. You know how this ends.

"Uh, I was told I have a new neighbor, so I wanted to come give them a warm welcome..." Excuse me? Please tell me this was a nightmare. Dick as my neighbor was one situation that would not have a happy ending. The conversation was just about as casual as one could get with pie covering their feet. The pie was all over Dick's white socks and he hadn't moved out of the mess, like he was stuck in a pit of tar.

"Holy shit." I whispered to myself, bringing my palm to my forehead.

"Nice to see you wear something decent for a change." He pointed up and down to the get up I was in. Almost pulling into a smirk, but I saw him catch himself and give a neutral expression. It wouldn't shock me if he ended up turned on by seeing me like this, he was, well, disgusting. Perhaps I could start calling him Disgusting Dick.

"I was expecting someone else..." I uncrossed my legs, hugging myself and staring in bewilderment at the floor.

"Ah, it's that kinda thing." He nodded in understanding. What did he mean by that? What kinda thing was this? "Well I'm sorry I ruined your pie. Welcome to the building...?"

"Talia?" The voice I had only heard over technology for the last few months, said my name in that disappointed, questioning voice I had only heard once before.

"Ashton, hi." I walked around the clutter of pie on the floor to wrap my arms around Ashton's shoulders, mentally cursing myself because I felt the shirt riding up and exposing the panties I was wearing. I could also feel Dick's eyes focused on that exact spot like the pervert he was. God, this wasn't how I planned Ashton's homecoming, but it did seem closer to reality than the straight-out-of-a-movie scenario I came up with and played in my mind every night while I fell asleep. It went something like, I answered the door and he walked in, dropping his bags on the floor as he pulled me in for that long-awaited kiss and we'd end up making love on the couch while the sounds of cars honking played in place of music in the background as we lost ourselves in each other. Then we spend the rest of the day skimming through all the books he bought me and conversing over them.

"Hey babe." Confusion was in Ashton's eyes as he looked at Dick and then back at me. "What's he doing here?"

"I'll explain inside..." I dropped my arms from his shoulders, grabbing his hand.

"Oh, that's okay, I'll just be here cleaning up the pie." Dick said sarcastically as I shut the door.

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