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Luke never made it to Greece. I knew there were more important things to get done like the first album, promotion for their new single, etc. I didn't mind. Time away from Luke taught me how to survive a little more without him and figure out how to communicate and react without him around. For years, Luke and I had been a package deal. You either got both of us or none of us, maybe that stunted my growth as individual. Maybe that was what caused me to be so sad and anxious all the time over nothing. I knew all the things going on in my head really weren't much to think twice about to a lot of people, I knew I could be irrational sometimes, but I did think my thoughts and feelings were valid too. These were all things I thought about on the flight back home. I had a love/hate relationship with long flights. Somehow they were soothing, but at the same time the long amounts of time gave me a lengthy period to think and think and think until I gave myself migraines.

I was happy to be back home. Sure, I hated to be back in Malibu, but I missed my bed. There was no greater feeling in the world than lying in your own bed after being away from it for so long. I couldn't sleep due to jet lag, so instead I lied in bed, listening to music softly. I scrolled through Twitter, not daring to once check my notifications because I still wasn't ready to see what people were saying about me. I'd get there one day though.

Twitter wasn't as entertaining as I thought it would be. There were a few pictures of Luke and the guys walking around West Hollywood. Luke looked angry that he was being followed around, while the other three were in conversation with each other. The thing with Luke was that he enjoyed what he did, but he hated the attention it brought. In a perfect world, he would make music and not get followed or mobbed.

My phone buzzed with a text.

Ashton: I'm in the area. Can I stop by?

Talia: PLEASE.

Ashton: Be there in five.

No sooner, no later was Ashton in my driveway. I loved punctuality, someone who kept their word. He truly was a man of his word. I hopped into the car the label was renting for him. The oldies played softly as Ashton watched me get comfortable in the passenger's seat. Once I was comfortable, I felt his figure lean on my side of the car and pressed a kiss to my forehead. I didn't have that many moments that were magical and breathtaking, so I found myself flustered at the simple act of affection.

"I missed you." Ashton muttered against my forehead, continuing to press kisses against it.

"I missed you as well." I chuckled gently, rubbing the skin on his forearm. Something I knew relaxed him. Gentle scratches and gentle rubs on the visible skin was a stress reliever for Ashton. We hadn't known each other long, but I felt as if I knew him inside and out. "How is the album coming along?"

Ashton sat in his seat properly before putting the car in drive. "We finally finished it an hour ago. I've never been more relieved." He let out a long sigh that ended in a giggle.

We exited the community. The Malibu sunset always looked so perfect against the Pacific Coast Highway. It always made me think that angels came down and painted the array of colors every evening just to show us how blessed we were on earth to be alive still.

"It couldn't have been that bad." I gently teased him, not trying to joke too much or ruin our time together. I hadn't seen him in awhile so I was definitely feeling awkward and anxious towards to him even though we spoke nearly every day that I was gone. I hated to need constant time with someone in order to feel comfortable, otherwise I would lose my comfort and almost be back at square one with a new person in my life.

"Maybe it could've been worse." Ashton shrugged. "Did you wanna go anywhere specific?"

"Just drive." I smiled. He knew what I meant.

We both loved driving. Anywhere and everywhere. Most days it was just a trip up and down PCH and listening to our favorite songs, until we got hungry or sleepy. There was something freeing about being in the car with someone you cared about, and just talking about whatever came to mind. There wasn't any pressure, unless I accidentally put that pressure on myself. But, still, I loved these moments.

"So I checked my email when I got back home..." I bit the inside of my lip, hesitant to tell him the news I was holding on. Not even Xander and my parents knew yet. Not even Luke. I wanted Ashton to know first. "I remember some time before I left, I told you that I was going to apply for school. Going back in the fall..."

"Right." He nodded. "You said you wanted to study at the Art Institute, right? In New York?"


I took a slight pause to take a deep breath in and out.

"I got accepted!"


I heard the tires screech below us as Ashton drifted to the shoulder of the road and put his hazard lights on. He unbuckled his seatbelt and flung his body towards mine. The level of excitement he felt caused all of that to happen in a split second. His excitement began rubbing off on me. I wrapped my arms tighter around his shoulders .

"Are you serious?!" He said into my ear.

"One hundred percent serious!" We swayed side to side in our embrace, Ashton squeezed me harder. We sat there in that moment not caring what would happen when I left, not caring about the distance, just caring about right now and how big of an accomplishment this was

"I knew you could do it, T." He pulled from the hug and pressed a gentle kiss on my lips. "If there's anyone in the world that could've done it, it was you. I'm so incredibly proud of you. The change is going to be so good for you. I remember when I left to England with the boys and that helped me grow so, so, so much. You're going to do such big things, my love."

sorry this took so long lol

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