Betchu ' Thought .

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Man , words cant describe how im feeling right Now.  What if She Moved on and anit no coming back ? All of them What if's keep comming back . Im scared im about to loose her . Those Years , all I did was play her . She was the number one main bitch .  When all My house of player cards came falling down who did I Run too or WHO caught me Karruche .Now the media is slamdering me , Its not like I cared before . But there saying :

Karruche done being the jump-off ?

Nba Point Guard Dekayle Wallace is Karruche's  Night and shining amor.

From the dark horse. 

Like damn . Is this why she wants to be a couple. I would hate being called a  jump off . I kissed her so much buut I couldnt just Sit there while she just cried and was bitchy about her sister cutting her off . I was getting annoyed .  I just wabted to branch away.  I made a Real with her saying we cant  see other people . I probably fucked about over 10 girls to be honest . I feel like shit .


I decided  to go to the mall . I had a Charity Event To escort my mamá to.  I needed or other words wanted a new suit . I had just walked in abmnd was gonna stop in the good court For a Charro .When I heard a familiar laugh . Kae

" Kayleeee"  Kae Said laughing .

I peeked around and saw her sitting on his lap , laughing her face red From laughter .

" Gimmmie My Pizza Punnk Asss " She Said reaching behind him .

" Say Sorry " He said smirking .

" For Whaat ? Cause I took the last Snake skin jordans . You Childish bruh" She Said bursting into laughter . She pouted , after calming down

she took his juice and ran . He Caught her and picked her up .

I was swarmed with jealousy . I walked by and act like I anit see her .

" Kae ? Or India ? " I said playing it off .

" Me Kaee . " She said cracking a smile . walking up to me.

" How you been -" I said .

" Dont Start Muthafucker. You woyld know if You were there . But I guess text me we needa talk , so we can meet up . " She Said walking away . I seen Dekayle Smirk and kiss her cheek making her blush .

I was stunned I forgot why  I was even there. She finna Cut me Off for good is all I kept thinking .


Sorry So Short Homiiessss .

1. Something For chris , anit do too much Pov For him Last chappie .

2 . Tyga Pov next , and india .

3 Should I do one Pov for Rihanna .

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