Imagine - The first time you met Overwatch Ladies part 2

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You did not think you could meet her here, from all places, and yet she was right before your eyes. You had a bullet lodged in your stomach and one in your thigh. You were caught between a fire with terrorists and policemen, you waited for the fight to stop with bullets lodged in you. Ana dealt with the terrorists without the help of the police. You remained amazed by the technique and by the strength of Ana, you lost more and more blood so you tried not to move. After the fight, Ana came directly to you and she saw your wounds. She took her syringes and she cared for you. You opened your eyes and they remained wide open. "Y-you are ..." Ana raised her head and smiled at you, nodding her head. "You suppose to be dead." "And yet, I am here. You should come with me for a while. Your wounds won't heal quickly." You nodded and you were following Ana at her house. Just to tell, you have not been back at your home since all this time.


You had just joined Overwatch, you had met most of the agents but there was always someone you wanted to meet but she intimidated you very much. Most people were telling you it was just an impression but you were shy and afraid to talk. But she had already noticed you and she had decided to meet you. You walked to your room after a mission but a pink-haired person stopped you in the middle. You gulped and you greeted her. "H- hello Zarya." "Good morning (Y/n), I heard you were a new recruit here. Everything is alright?" "Y- yes." Zarya looked at you as if she wanted to know something while you sweated. "Wanna say something?" "I- I wanted to know if I can train with y- you tomorrow..." You looked at the ground and you did not see Zarya smiling. "Of course (Y/n), it would be a pleasure! Join me at 7:00 am tomorrow in the training room." She gave you a slight slap in the back and she left, you do not know where. Right after she left, you blushed like a fool by not thinking your first meeting with Zarya like that.


So for Sombra, it's a completely different story. You received messages every day on your phone and computer, even at work. The messages were all encoded and you did not have the patience to solve this problem. You ignore the messages and you continued to live your life like nothing happened until the day a woman was in your room. She had purple hair and a weird outfit on her. You raised an eyebrow but you pretended she was not there. "So, I guess you're the one who messages me?" "Yes." "Want a coffee?" She nodded, you put your stuff on the floor and you headed toward the kitchen. You brought the coffee back and you gave it to Sombra. Sombra remained impressed by your calm, she began to interest you more and more. She took a sip of her coffee and she watched you, you went to your computer and you turned it on. To your surprise, the screen was black with a violet skull created by lines of codes that lie on it. You sighed and you found yourself towards Sombra but it had disappeared. A paper on the floor, you discovered later it was Sombra phone.

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