One-shot - D.Va x Shy!Reader - Horror Movie

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Request by: HannyFin

You always hated horror movies. There wasn't a specific reason for that. You just didn't see the point to see this kind of movie just to be scared... Okay, maybe your shyness had something to do with this and that it didn't help you to appreciate horror movie.

But you'll have to face two big things in your life today. Horror movie and your crush, Hana. You had loved Hana for a long time now, for multiple reasons but you never had the courage to tell her. Today, she invited you to go watch a horror movie with her. You gladly accepted and you were preparing your mind for what's gonna happen. It wasn't often that you saw Hana, occasion like that were rare but always appreciated. You wore your usual clothes, you took a deep breath and you walked out of your house. Your mind asking a ton of questions, playing different scenarios and how bad this day could end, but you thought nothing could go wrong and you joined Hana at the cinema a bit after. She waved at you with a big grin when she saw you coming. You waved back shyly with a small tint of pink on your cheeks.

"Hey (Y/n)! How're you doing? Ready to see the movie?" She asked you while you walked into the room where the movie's gonna be played. "I-I'm doing okay thanks, I h-hope I'll be ready." You sat next to Hana and then, the movie started. The first 20 minutes of the movie were okay, but then a jump scare appeared on the screen. You heard two screams that made you jumped in fear and your heart almost skipped a beat when Hana jumped on you. Your blush intensified, now you were more scared that Hana saw your blush than the movie itself. But it wasn't unpleasant. You felt Hana's body trembled and noticed that her eyes were firmly closed. You found this cute on how scared she was, even more than you and you smiled a bit. "I-Is the movie over?"

She demanded, her eyes still closed and she was still on you. "I wish i-it could but w-we still have to stay here for 1 hour until it finishes." You mumbled to her, looking at your watch before focusing on the movie/Hana. The rest of the movie, Hana stayed on you holding your hand tightly. Screaming even if she didn't see anthing, and she ended pretty close to you, at the end of the movie your face was full red but you did have a good time. You walked out of the cinema when the movie was over, Hana still holding your hand. When she noticed it, she quickly took back her hand and she scratched her cheek, a bit embarrassed. You smiled shyly at her and you looked at the cinema one last time before looking at her.

"I-it was nice to w-watch a movie with you, H-Hana... uhmm can w-we do that again tomorrow? If i-it doesn't bother you." She grinned and she quickly nodded. "Of course we can! I'll see you tomorrow noobie!" She walked off and when you were out of her sight, she took out her phone and smiled at the camera that was streaming all the thing from the start. "I told you guys it would work!"

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