Special Chapter - How you met them - Defense part

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You grew in a life where we told you to hate the Omnics, even your parents told you that every single day. But you didn't listen to them. You didn't see why you should, they were like humans just with mechanical members. So you decided to become a mechanic to help these Omnics. How did you meet Bastion then? You met him in the middle of the forest next to your native country who suffered damage from the Omnic Crisis. At first, you tried to stay far from him. After all, you didn't know if he was still hostile or not. But he seemed so friendly that you couldn't help yourself but went toward him. He turned around when he heard footsteps and he saw you, he tilted his head and he beeped. You waved at him and you walked closer. He watched you and when you were close enough, you noticed the yellow bird he had on his shoulder. You sat on the ground and you looked at him. He was covered with grass, dirt and lianas. He didn't seem to have scratches so you thought it wasn't necessary to repair him but you wanted to be sure. "Are you hurt?" He shook his head and he sat down as well. "That's good to hear!" You continued to "talk" to him all the day, you found a connexion with him and even if you didn't really understand him, it made you happy to discuss with him.


You worked for anyone that needed your services. It didn't bother you if they were wanted all over the world, you just had to be paid at the end of your job. That's why you were in the Shimada castle, they called for your service to put a hand on Hanzo because the assassin they called last time didn't succeed and Hanzo kept coming here. They gave you information about him but you didn't care about this. You were waiting inside the main room with a sword. Like they told you, he came here like he always did. As he saw you, he took his bow and he aimed at you. You giggled at his weapon and you shrugged before rushing to him. (I skip you the details of the fight <.<) You stood firmly in front of Hanzo with a smirk on your face. Hanzo growled as he started to lose the fight. You walked to him and you smiled at him. "This is what you have become huh? I wished this fight be more interesting." You got back and you started to walk away before being stopped by an arrow. You glanced at Hanzo and you saw determination filling his whole body. "I won't let you go without finishing this fight!" You laughed and you walked outside the main room. "Sorry but I have other things to do, and I'm sure we'll meet again in the future." Hanzo lowered his bow and he watched you leave before smirking. "I'll win against you the next time."


You worked in the military for many years before the Omnic Crisis happened. When the Omnics started to attack your country you didn't have mercy on them and you destroyed them when you saw them. You never thought they could have an existence similar to the humans. Once the crisis finished, you met a lot of people who disapproved how you thought about the Omnics. You changed a lot since this day. You were in a pub, drinking to forget some memories. But some people decided to trouble your peace. "Lieutenant (L/n), right? A lot of people disapprove your acts, y'know." You placed your glass down and you looked at the man with boredness. "I know what I did, thanks for the reminder." You told him clearly sarcastically. He pointed a gun at your head and he put an arm on your shoulder. "I can give you a chance to avoid this bullet in your skull. Start to kill Omnics again or die." You closed your eyes and you were about to punch him but someone else did this for you. You raised an eyebrow and you looked at this person. His hair was on fire, he had a tire on his back, a mechanic arm and bombs on his shoulders. You immediately knew who he was. "Oi mate! Whaddya doing 'ere alone?" You got up from your seat and you paid the barman. "Nothing. Why did you save me?" He shrugged and he walked next to you. "I heard 'bout ya, whaddya stopped to kill Omnics?" You went outside the pub and you looked at the sky. "They didn't deserve to be killed, I realized they're like us. You should maybe think like this too Jamie." He stopped to walk and he looked at you surprised. How did you know about him?


You were a scientist who worked for Overwatch before and after its shutdown. You knew Mei because she was your friend but you never met her in real life, you only talked to her by internet. You stayed in the watchpoint of Asia until the Petras Acts came. You waited some months before infiltrated it, to your surprise there was no one to watch over it. You continued your works calmly but one day, you heard someone in the watchpoint. It was the night and you were about to go to sleep but you heard a noise in the watchpoint. You raised an eyebrow and you took your gun. You walked silently and carefully to the noise. Hearing the footsteps coming closer, you knew the person was alone. You hid in the corner and you waited a moment. When you saw the foot of the person you pointed your gun at them. But you were clearly shocked to see your scientist friend Mei here. You dropped the gun and you hugged her tightly. Mei yelped, she quickly looked down at you and she started to cry. "(Y/- (Y/n)! Y- you're alive!" You laughed and you smiled at her, still hugging her. "Of course I am! But I thought you weren't! It's been 10 years since the last time you gave me news about you." You released her and she wiped her tears, a smile appeared on her face. "I'm sorry, I didn't want to make you think I was Mei-be dead." You grinned and you slightly punched her shoulder. "Pfff, I see you didn't change a bit. Now, tell me why didn't you answer my messages all these years?"


You have always been a great friend with Torbjörn's daughter. Brigitte wanted for you to meet him and you wished you could too but you were too busy for this. Your job always needed you and you couldn't refuse to help them. Today wasn't really different, you worked all the day and the sky turned dark a long time ago. Brigitte called you many times and you could finally call her back. "Hello?" You closed the door of your house and you walked in the snowy streets of Sweden. "Hey Brigitte, it's me (Y/n). Can I know why did you call me 3 times in less than 1 hour?" You heard her laughing nervously. She explained you briefly that she wanted to show you something today. Since it was the end of the day, you accepted. Now you were in front of a door, a lot of snow on you. You gently knocked on the door and you heard heavy steps. The door opened and you saw a familiar face. "Oh, you must be (Y/n)! It's nice to meet you, I'm Reinhardt Wilhelm! Come in." You brushed off some snow that was on your shoulder and you walked in the house. You didn't question yourself why he was there. You noticed Brigitte talking to a small man who was wearing a Santa Claus costume. 'Oh right...It's Christmas. I totally forgot about this.' Brigitte saw you and she left the man before coming to you. "Hey (Y/n), you know I wanted to introduce my father to you many times. Well there it is, he's a little bit grumpy but he's someone kind." You nodded and Brigitte left your side. You went to her father and you saluted him. Torbjörn looked at you with a suspicious look. "So you're my daughter's, boyfriend/girlfriend." You slightly blushed and you shook your head. "No, I'm not. I'm her friend." He raised an eyebrow before give you a slight punch on your side. "Then everything's okay! I think you already know but I'm Torbjörn Lindholm." "I'm (Y/n) (L/n), nice to meet you." 


You were Amélie's childhood friend, you were here from the beginning until the kidnapping took place. You never had any other informations after that, Overwatch didn't give you information about her and they started to ignore you. Two weeks after you got this information, you learned that Gérard had been murdered. You felt like Overwatch was something to do with this but like for Amélie, they didn't say anything. Since this day, you kinda hated Overwatch and you tried to know what truly happened to  Amélie and Gérard. You were in one of Talon's base, precisely on the rooftop with WidowMaker's files. The first time you saw her, she reminded you of Amélie. You tried to know who she was, that's why you were in a Talon base. You started to read the files until you heard high heels against the ground sounds behind you. But you had already read the most important part of the files. You got up and turned around to face WidowMaker, or should I say Amélie. "After all these years of search, I finally know what happened to you mon amie." WidowMaker raised an eyebrow and lowered her sniper. "Who exactly are you?" You wore a sad smile on you. "(Y/n) (L/n)... but after what Talon did to you, I'm sure you don't remember me Amélie." WidowMaker gripped tighter her sniper as she heard your name. One memory came back, and all of them followed. She remembered who she was and who you were. She let a sigh and she started to walk in the building. "I let you escape this time, but if I see you again it won't be like this. I hope it'll be in better condition, my friend." 

A/n: Only 1 part remaining, boiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii it's almost over! I'll work on the requests after finishing the last part of the special chapter!


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