One-shot - Mercy x Fem!Reader - Phantom Pain

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Request by: anonyme on Tumblr

Anon asked: Mercy with a fem s/o who recently had to become a cyborg due to a terrible accident on a mission and is dealing with a lot of phantom pain from having lost limbs. Just some fluff and Mercy taking good care of her girlfriend :D

(Since I don't really know how a person reacts to phantom pain, tell me if something is wrong ^^ and I know it's been a while since I posted something here, sorry)

(Y/n) weren't expecting this, that's the least she could say. She knew the mission was going to be more than hard, it was almost impossible but she succeeded. At one cost, the cost of her own body. She wasn't going to complain about this, because she is still alive. But, it was so hard to get used to her new limbs. There were some times where she was hurt but she normally shouldn't. Some doctors told her it was only in her mind but (Y/n)'s girlfriend knew the truth. It wasn't in (Y/n)'s mind.

Angela tried her best to save everything she could from her girlfriend but it was already a miracle that (Y/n) was alive. It pained her to see her struggled to simply walk or even speak. She stayed by her side as long as she could to help (Y/n) with her phantom pain. She had them quite often after the surgery and Angela made sure to be by her side. She knew it was going to be long and hard, but she doesn't give up so easily.

(Y/n) let down the cup of tea accidentally after feeling a sudden pain in her right cybernetic arm. It crashed onto the ground, shattering into pieces. (Y/n) watched attentively her arm with a frown. She felt like it was burning right now when it shouldn't. She was sure the mug wasn't hot with her left arm that had survived the accident. She gritted her teeth as the sensation became more and more unbearable. She grabbed the side of the table, hoping the pain would stop. She noticed the sweats running down her head and she wiped it with her hand. She sighed when the pain more tolerable. It was still there, sure, but at least she could pick up the shattered piece of glasses on the ground before her girlfriend would come into the room. But it was too late, she was already here a worried face on her. "Are you okay Liebling? I heard a lot of noise coming from the room." She quickly demanded, making slightly jump (Y/n).

She turned her head with a little smile, another pain appeared and she tried to hide it with her smile. "Y-yeah... just-" She tried to lie because she knew how much work Angela had, but Angela already knew what was happening right now. Angela sighed and she put a hand behind (Y/n)'s head. She pressed her forehead against hers and she looked at (Y/n) in her two different colour eyes. "You don't have to hide it (Y/n), I already told you it was normal." Angela reassured (Y/n) and she quickly kissed her on the lips. "Now, go sit down on the couch. I'm gonna come back soon." Angela told to (Y/n) who only nodded, the pain fading a bit when Angela kissed her. 

(Y/n) picked up all the piece of glasses and she threw it in the bin. She plopped down on the couch as Angela told her to do so and she watched her body half human and half robot for a moment. She sighed again and she watched the door, waiting for her girlfriend to come back. Her eyes widened a bit when she saw the number of blankets that Angela was transporting. She got up to go help her but Angela stopped her before she could something. "Don't move (Y/n), I know your pain doesn't go away so soon. I'm okay, it's not heavy."

(Y/n) mumbled something and she sighed in defeat, wearing a smile. "Where did you get so many blankets?" She asked her girlfriend while she was placing the blankets on the ground, against the couch. It made the form of a bed and she ran to the bedroom, coming back with a dozen of soft and big pillows. "I demanded to some people if I could borrow them for a moment. And they replied with a yes." Angela happily answered (Y/n)'s question and she prepared some hot chocolate. "Sit on the blankets, I'm coming." (Y/n) moved from the couch on the blankets without moving too much. It was really fluffy and spongy. 

(Y/n) raised her head when Angela turned off the lights. She could still see her in the dark so she wondered why she did that. "Could you switch on the TV Liebling?" Angela gently demanded, coming back with two mugs of hot chocolate. She gave a nod and she turned on the TV. (Y/n) smiled warmly at Angela, forgetting about her pain. Angela gave one mug to (Y/n) but (Y/n) didn't drink it immediately, she placed it on the ground and she hugged Angela by surprise, hearing her gasp. "Thank you Angie." Angela giggled a bit and she kissed (Y/n) with a little smile. "You're welcome~" She chirped and snuggled more in her girlfriend. (Y/n) didn't pay attention to the TV anymore, she was far more interested in her beautiful and amazing girlfriend. Angela looked up and raised a brow. "What're you looking?" She softly asked and (Y/n) grinned. "At the most amazing girlfriend, I could ever have in the world. Thanks for everything Angela." Angela closed her eyes and she hummed slightly. "I should be the one to thank you for staying so strong. But don't forget Liebling, if you're hurt tell me after I'm not your Angel for nothing." (Y/n) laughed and she nodded, hugging her girlfriend a little bit tighter without hurting. Feeling the familiar warmth spreading all over her body, human or robotic part. She could feel it again, it was the first time since her operation. "I promise I'll tell you the next time." She whispered before closing her eyes, her chin placed on Angela's shoulder. A wide smile appeared on her face before she fell asleep. 

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