One-shot - Protective!Pharah x Shy!Fem!Reader - Always by your side

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Request by: @RlynMG Hope you enjoy it ^^

As long as you remembered, you always were a shy person. You sometimes ask yourself how you did to be Fareeha's girlfriend. But that wasn't the question now.

You were in your office filled with papers. Angela told you a lot of time that be a medic wasn't what you thought. Now you understood what she meant. But it was still something you wanted to do, just for now you needed to rest a little bit. You warned Angela you were gonna take a break, she simply answered you with a small nod. You left your office and you walked wherever your mind wanted to be. You reached the garden and you looked around you, there was no one around. You smiled and you walked forward but a hand grabbed gently your wrist. He/she often asked you to have a date with him/her but you refused all the time. You always told him/her that you did not like this kind of thing but in reality, it was because you were in relation with Fareeha and you did not want to break with her, for anything.

"(Y/n), will you go on a date with me?" You asked yourself. 'Why is he/she so persistent?' You shook your head like every time he/she demanded you and he/she raised an eyebrow. "Then, tell me why you don't want." He/she came closer to you and you felt very nervous at this stade. He/she took both of your hands in his/her and he/she looked at you.

"I- I'm really s- sorry (R/n) but I- I can't tell you." You mumbled almost inaudible but (R/n) heard it very well. You didn't like when someone touched you and his/her closeness didn't help. You tried to step back but he/she only got closer. You gulped and you just wanted to push him/her away, but you couldn't. Many questions filled your mind but none of them had an answer. You fought back the tears who tried to escape your eyes. You closed your eyes and you breathed in and out. You were going to tell him/her why you didn't want to date him/her. You wanted no one knew about your relationship with Fareeha, especially in Overwatch but you hadn't any choice.

That's when two strong arms wrapped around your waist. (R/n) let out his/her grip on your hands. You instantly looked above you to see who was it. A big smile appeared on your face when you saw her. Fareeha looked at (R/n) with murderous eyes and that's when you noticed some drops of sweats rolled down on (R/n)'s face. You chuckled slightly, feeling already serene.

"I see you around my girlfriend again and you are a dead man. Did I make myself clear?" (R/n) quickly nodded and he/she ran away. You relaxed immediately when he/she was out of your sight. You felt Fareeha's chin on your head. Fareeha sat down on the grass and you sat on her laps. She put her head on your shoulder and she kissed your cheek. Your smile only grew and you looked at her, it was obvious that she had something to ask.

"Will it bother you if many people ask about our relationship? It's not like we tried to hide it but you told me you weren't comfortable when a lot of people know it." You shook your head and you closed your eyes. Fareeha's presence was the best thing in the universe, well for you it was. "I-I f it means don't be bother again like (R/n) did, I-I 'm perfectly fine with that." You murmured, feeling a little bit sleepy. Fareeha grinned and she gently caught your hands. Warming them at the same time that warming your heart. Yup definitely, Fareeha was the best person that could be your girlfriend.

(R/n)= Random Name

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