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Jack's POV:
I clicked the chat button and sent a message,
(Jack-Jackaboy, Mark- Makimoo)

Jackaboy: Hi! :3

Markimoo: Hello X3

Jackaboy: 'M names Sean but call me jack c:

Markimoo: Jack is a beautiful name! ^-^ mine is Mark!

Jackaboy: thank you 0/////0 I-i really like your name too! :3

Markimoo: Awe! Thank you baby boy.

Jackaboy: Hehe ^3^ you're welcome marki :33

We talked for a while getting to know each other and such until I yawned,

Jackaboy: m tired marki... ;-;

Markimoo: then you should go to sleep bub.

Jackaboy: but i wanna talk to you ;-;

Markimoo: we can talk tomorrow little one.

Jackaboy: mm k night night.

Markimoo: night bub.

-end- (I gave up on the fonts so idc anymore ;-;;;)

Jack's POV:

I crawled under the covers grabbing my teddy and snuggled into it. I felt myself soon drift into a peaceful slumber.

••The next day••
Jack's POV:
I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing, I turned over to the pink night stand and grabbed my phone. I looked at the bright screen to see who was calling. It was Phil! I quickly answerd and said hello:

Jack: Hello Philly!
Phil: Hey Jackaboy! I was wondering​ if you and Dan would like to have a sleepover tonight?
Jack: I'd love to! Just let me pack some things, by the way what time is it?
Phil: It's already two! You must've been really tired last night. You can come over when ever!
Jack: Mk, I'll be over soon bye bye Phill!
Phil: Bye!

I ended the call and hopped out of my warm bed and went to the bathroom that was attached to my playroom. I stripped off all my clothes and turned on the warm water. I got in and immediately felt relaxed under the warm water on my porcelain skin. I quickly washed my hair and body. Once I was done with that I grabbed my razor (is it called a razor or a shaver??? Idk either works tbh) and my shaving cream and began to shave my legs, my armpits and my arms.

After about a hour of doing that making sure I hadn't cut myself whilst shaving I turned off the water and started to get dressed. I walked into my playroom closet and grabbed my black skirt with my rainbow suspenders and my grey sweater. I slipped on my thigh high rainbow socks along with my black Converse with rainbow laces and grabbed my back with my extra clothes, my pacifier, a sippy, and some stuffies. I walked out to my car and started to drive to Dan and Phil's house. (Um btw the story takes play in Brighton :3)
Once I was there I grabbed parked my car and grabbed my belongings. I got some weird stares from people but shrugged it off as I walked up to there door. I knocked on the big door and waited for someone to answer. I heard feet shuffle from the other side as a crying Dan opened the door.

"Oh my God are you ok?!" I asked with concern laced in my voice. He nodded a yes and let me in. I sighed knowing something was up and I entered there house not wanting to go into little mode yet (whoever ships Phan like I do is gonna either kill me or hate me... PLEASE HAVE MERCY ON ME TAKE IT EASY ON MY HEART....back to the story..) I looked around for phil. After about five minutes of searching I couldn't find him so I went back to the living room to find Dan curled up into a ball on the couch still crying. I signed and began to speak, "What's wrong Dan?" I asked him sitting down next to him and rubbing small circles on his back. "I-i d-did somth-ing bad an-d h-e smacked m-me an-d l-eft me when I was in l-little mode! Saying h-e was going o-out! He left me alone!" He exclaimed full out sobbing now.

It broke my heart to see him like this since he was once of my best friends. I kissed his head and told him it would be ok. I walked to his playroom and grabbed his favorite fluffy blue blanket that says "Daddy's princess" in white stitching on it. I walked back to where Dan was and covered him with it after making him a sippy filled with warm milk. I stepped out into the kitchen and called phil.
Once he answered I started to yell at him, "Where the hell are you?!" I yelled into the phone, my anger getting the best of me, "Immm withh a purrity lady i f-oundd at the clubb!" He slurred out the words pronouncing some incorrectly.

My blood boiled after hearing those words "What the fuck Phil! What about Dan you know, YOUR BOYFRIEND!!" I yelled at him trying not to wake Dan up in the process but Phil deserved it. "Fuck.." I heard from the other side of the phone. "I'll be there in five, is he ok?!" He said sounding panicked. "He's fine now, once i got here he was crying and he said you left him alone while he was in little mode!" I told him with anger in my voice. I felt a tug on my sleeve, I turned around to see a crying Dan with his blanket in his arms. He pointed to my phone and made grabby hands. I nodded and handed him my phone. "H-hi daddy..." He hiccupped. "Yeah... Im o-ok now..." I picked him up and Carried him to the couch setting him down gently and turned on the TV.

I sat down next to Dan again and began listening. "I love you to daddy.." he said as I heard the line go dead. He handed me my phone back and started to cry softly. "I-i miss him s-o much!" He sobbed into my shoulder as the front door opened to find a panicking Phil. I rushed over to us and took Dan out of my arms and began kissing him and telling him he was sorry. "Why did you leave me alone daddy?! I was so scared!" "Sshhh I so sorry baby I promise I will never do it again. Im so sorry." He cooed to Dan kissing his head multiple times.

"Where were you?" Dan hiccupped calming down now that his daddy was home. "I went out baby boy. We'll talk about it later." He nodded and kissed his daddy. I wasn't in the mood to go into little mode. I got up giving Phil a glare and walking over to them. I gave Dan a hug and went upstairs to the guest room. I stripped to my boxers and climbed under the covers. I turned over to the night stand plugging my charger into the wall and hooking my phone up. Once that was done I turned back over and fell asleep.
(Word count: 1,212)
Haha.... Dont kill me... This was longer than I originally was gonna make so.... :3 thank you all for reading and I'll see y'all later BUH-BYYYEEE!! Also new cover ;3

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