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Im listening to the vessel album by TØP
Jack's POV:

I woke up turning over to find Mark snuggled into the couch. Quietly I slowly stood up giggling my way Infront of him. I then jumped in him screaming only to be pushed off and back onto the floor laughing as mark sat there with a Panic look in his face.

"What's happening?!" He nearly shouts - causing me to laugh harder - and I answer, "Good morning, daddy!!" I said with a innocent look on my face, "Good morning princess, but never wake me up like that again please." And said with a soft but Stern look. I nodded and got up only to sit back down in Mark's lap facing him.

I gave him a soft kiss and pulled away nuzzling my head into the crook of his neck.

"How about we make some pancakes, darling?" He suggested only to make me jump up nodding excitedly, "'mk daddy!" I squeaked when he picked me up, holding me on the side of his hip.

I quietly giggled to myself as he set me on the counter top then getting all the ingredients out to mark our pancakes.

Half way through the process I started to whine only to have mark drop everything he was doing and rush over to me.

"You ok, jack?" He asks worry filling his eyes. I shook my head no, "I want my pacccii!" I said dragging out my words.

Mark nodded before opening the drawer pulling out my my little pony paci, how does he know I keep them there?

Oh well, I think as he quickly pops my pacifier into my mouth shutting me up before going back to cooking our star shapped pancakes.

•• Short time skip ••

After we ate our breakfast mark began speaking, "So baby, how's bout we go to the park?" Mark asks making me squeak with excitement. I threw on my over sized pastel grey sweater, and my white skirt. I quickly tucked my sweater in a little bit before pulling on my all black thigh highs. I slipped on my black flats and headed down stairs to my daddy. This is gonna be so fun!
Not my proudest chapter... Sorry for the delay im in school writing this because I feel bad when im supposed to be doing my math work. Oh well I guess.. Anyway thank you guys for reading and I'll see y'all later BUH-BYYYEEE!!

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