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Remember the thing I Did to Dan and Phil? Yeah.. and Remember when I said I was gonna do something worse to Mark and jack? Yeah.... :).
Don't kill me. ;-;

Jack's POV:

••Time skip••

I set the last box on to the carpeted floor in the living room.

I was finally at marks house.

I felt someone wrap there arms around me and instantly knew it was Mark.

"Hey baby." He said. "How about you relax? Let daddy do the work for you? How does that sound Hmm?" He hummed.

"Yes please daddy." I said in a small voice. I walked away from Mark and up the stairs. Once I was up the stairs I walked down the hall and stopped at a red door.

I open the door to find a camera, computer, lights and basically a bunch of Recording equipment.

I walked into the room and closed the door behind me while i noticed the padding on the walls to make it sound proof. I started to get worried about what this room was for.

What is he doing with all this stuff?

Is he going to film himself torturing me me for his own enjoyment?

Was is a mistake coming here?

My thoughts were cut short by the door opening.

I turned around to find Mark standing there smiling. "Do you like it?" He asked while walking over to his computer. "W-what?" I stutterd. "Do you like my recording studio?" He asked again, "O-Oh yeah.. why do you have all this stuff?" "Because im a YouTuber silly!" I let out a sigh of relief. So he's not gonna torture me. Good. "Ok." I said smiling.

"What's your YouTube name?" I asked him, curiosity growing in my stomach. "Markiplier." He said chuckling.

"Markiplier?" I asked while giggling. "Yeppers." he said smiling wider.

"Markimoooooo!" I screamed. "What?" Mark asked Confused. "Markimoo is your nickname daddy!" I exclaimed "Ok then baby boy, whatever you want.

                •• Time skip a few months ••

A/N (please read) before I write the following please remember no disrespect to Mark's family im only writing this for the purpose of the story plot. I have planned this ever since the fight between Dan & Phil in this story. Please don't hate on me im not trying to disrespect anyone or Tigger anything. I love you all and stay alive.}

                           Jack's Diary:

It's been a few months living with mark! He's been the best daddy ever! He's been my best friend since I moved with him, though I made new friends of course! My new friends are: Mathias, Ken, Bob, Minx! Also felix and cry moved to L.A too! I miss my old friends, Dan & Phil, Josh & Tyler, Brendon & dallon... But I know I'll see them again one day so im not too sad about it. Well this is it. Oh! And one more thing! My daddy got me a new coloring book and it's filled with animals, flowers and all sorts of stuff!! Daddy says when he gets off work he's gonna color with me! It's gonna be great! Ok I'll write later! Bye :).

•• Time skip a few days ••

"Don't you think it's weird?" Mark asked jack.

"What do you mean?"

"Do you think it's weird we met one a dating site?"



Jack giggled and burried his face further into Mark's neck inhaling his cologne. "I love you." Jack said while kissing Mark's neck. "I love you too.

•• Time skip a month. ••

"Jack?" Mark yelled from the living room fiddling with his fingers as he waited to tell jack something that will no doubt change his and Jack's future.

Jack came skipping down the stairs and walked Dover to mark. "Yeah babe?" Jack asked, clearly not in little mode because he only calls him babe when he's out of it.

"I need to tell you something, something that will possibly make you break up with me. But just know jack is that I love you so much. So so much."

Mark said with tears in his eyes. "I love you too, mark. What's wrong?" Jack asked concerned.

"I have cancer."


"I only have a week to live.."

Then it hit both of them. They may never see each other again after this week.

"W-hen d-did you fi-nd out-t?" Jack stutterd hugging mark close to his body. There body's​ shook with sobs as warm tears rolled down there cheeks.

"Three months ago... I didn't want to tell you because I knew this would happen. I love you so much jack so fucking much and Im not ready to die." Mark said pulls the sobbing boy closer.

"What's the percentage?"

"What do you mean?"

"What's the percentage of you passing away?"


Both boys clung to each other sobbing. "The doctors said I have to stay in the hospital for the week. Will you please Stay with me? Please?" He begged. "Of course I will mark I love you." "I love you too."

•• Time skip 5 days.••

During the five days Mark's been in the hospital I tried to make it the best 5 days of his life. We watched movies, stayed up and talked, and so much other things. Only two days left. "I love you mark." "I love you too."

•• Time skip two days later. ••

It's time. Im crying so hard right now. I was woken up by a nurse and she took my mark away. My best friend, my boyfriend. I miss him so much already.

•• few hours later. ••

I was forced to go home. The doctors didn't tell me what they did with Mark or if the died or not. That four percent is my life line.

•• A week later. ••

The house is cold without mark. I've been depressed lately and I've wanted to end things more. But I have to stay alive for Mark. If he is alive..

•• A day later ••

Today I will be getting the phone call to be informed if mark is alive or not. I stared at my phone as it started to go off. "Hello?"



Im not that evil ;) Epilogue is next. So you should stay and find out if he does die or not.

AGAIN NO DISRESPECT!!!!!! Thank you for reading and I'll see y'all later BUH-BYYYEEE!!

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