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Jack's POV:

I pulled mark to the car and sat into the drivers side buckling my seat belt and waited for Mark to buckle up before I drove off to Felix's house.

Mark gave me a strange look but I kept driving.

Once we arrived to Felix's house I parked the car, careful not to kill us, and got out.

Mark stared at me like I was stupid but got out anyway. I ran up the door steps and quickly knocked on the door. Mark stood behind me as we waited for the door to open. A couple seconds later muffled footsteps are heard and the door swings open with a giggling felix, who was thankfully not in little mode, and gave me a big hug. He looked behind me and saw Mark while giving me a questioning look.

I smiled and grabbed Mark's hand and said, "Felix, This is Mark Fischbach, Mark this is Felix kjellberg."
After they both processed what I said Mark looked shocked and Felix looked surprised. He let go of my hand and embraced Felix into a hug.

Felix hugged back and I started to hear soft sobbing. I smiled and quickly said something, "Ugh im such a good person! You're welcomeee!" I said in my bitchy white girl voice. They let go of each other and started laughing.

They both walked over to me and gave me a hug as I hugged back Mark kissed my forehead.
"So how's 'bout we head inside for some video games and ice cream?" Felix suggested as me and Mark nodded our heads taking the offer. We walked inside and smiled at each other. I looked at Mark and said,

"I love you."

He smiled, "I love you too."

NOT??? THE???? END??? IDK??? There will be two more chapters to this including a Epilogue... I've been busy with school so sorry for the wait :'( I love you guys thank you all so much for reading and I'll see y'all later BUH-BYYYEEE!!

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