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Why does this have over 100 reads? XD I just started this three days ago lmao)

Jack's POV:

I stared at the phone. Me and mark had never talked before on the phone besides texting. I've never heard his voice. Im so excited but yet so scared. I hurried and clicked the 'Except' button on put the phone up to my ear. "Hi..." I hear a husky voice say. It was rough but soothing at the same time. A voice that could make you melt just by hearing it.

"H-Hi.." I stutterd and face palmed myself. I heard a deep chuckle from the other end. "So Jacky, when's your birthday?" He asked sweetly. "February 7th!" I giggled, "Great!" He said happily. We talk for a few more hours once I get home. "Goodbye.... Daddy.." I giggle as I hear his breath Hitch "Good-bye baby boy have a nice night."

I lock my phone and roll over on my side snuggling up into my comforter and kissing my stuffies head wishing him a good night. I close my eyes and feel myself drift into a deep sleep.
(Word count: 223)
Um filler chapter don't kill me. New chapter will be out either tomorrow or later since this was so short. Sorry. Anyway thanks for reading and I'll see y'all later BUH-BYYYEEE!!

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