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Jack's POV:
I woke up snuggled warmly into my bed. I yawned loudly as I threw the blankets off me instantly regretting it. I shivered and streached my arms and legs hearing my bones crack as I do.

I yawned again and lazily wiped my eyes trying to get the sleep out of my eyes. I slowly got out of bed letting my feet hit the soft carpet below me, I grabbed my phone and started heading to the bathroom. I dragged my feet into the bathroom peeling my clothes off of my body and throwing them into the dirty clothes hamper.

I sighed as I began running warm water in the bathtub for a nice relaxing bath.

I turned around grabbing the (butt) plug to stop the water from draining out of the tub and plugged it in (my ass) the tub.

I turned around looking in the mirror and smiled.

I love my body. I used to work out alot so I have a slight six pack but im slim. Im pale and my butt is not to flat but not to plump.

I continue to admire myself in the mirror as I see the bathtub start to over fill.

I quickly shut the water off and ran my hand through the water making sure it's not to hot before I slowly got in.

I grabbed the bubble soap and poured some into the water making a little bit of bubbles appears on top of the water as I ran my hands through the water making more bubbles appear everywhere. I giggled as I decided to text mark. I grabbed my phone and unlocked it. (Let's pretend it's water proof...) I clicked the phone app and sent a message.
(Jack Italics, mark bold.)
Jackaboy 💚: Hi daddy!
Daddy❤: hey baby boy~
Jackaboy 💚: what are you doing daddy?
Daddy❤: Im editing my video.
Jackaboy 💚: oh, ok!
Daddy❤: Also I have a surprise for you baby!
Jackaboy 💚: what is it? :o
Daddy: Well it's a surprise so I can't tell you, and if I did it wouldn't be a surprise now would it?
Jackaboy 💚: no.. but anyway I'll let you get back to editing ill talk to you later daddy!
Daddy❤: Ttyl baby boy <3.


I sighed and set my phone down and closed my eyes relaxing my tense muscles and started thinking about what it would be like to meet mark in real life.
(Word count: 444)
Sorry it's shit. Wattpad deleted my original chapter and im pissed but it's fine I guess. Anyway thank you all so much for reading and I'll see y'all later BUH-BYYYEEE!!

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