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I don't know why I end every chapter with jack going to sleep lmao oops. Also am I the only one who doesn't check the date and whines up forgetting it? Also end is coming soon :p this book is only gonna be like 15 chapters long xD (maybe more idk.
Jack's POV:
I woke up to my phone blaring 'The threaten me with a good time' by Panic! At the disco. I grabbed my phone and turned off the alarm to see all my
Notifications I have.

I swipe my screen down to see I have a bunch of texts from my friends and family so I quickly pull my messages up.


Breadbin 🍞:Happy birthday jackyyyy! 🍀 Ily!

Dally: Happy birthday bud! 😊

(End[For now])

After reading the first few messages I quickly check the date, February 7. I jump out of bed and take a quick shower. I run into my room again and pull out the outfit I've been saving for today. (I would add a picture but then it won't let this publish:/)

I grabbed out my high​ waisted black skirt with my white flowy long sleeve crop top, since it was kind of chilly today, and I grabbed my long thigh high all white socks with black bows on the sides of my ankles.

Once I was done getting dressed I grabbed my phone and replied to the ones I've read,


To: BreadBin 🍞,
Thanks! Ilyyytt 💖

To: Dally,
Thanks dude 😚

To: PhilTheLion,

After that I continued to read and answer texts from my family and some old friends I haven't talked to on a while but still had my number.
After about 15 minutes of reading I came across one that made me smile so much,

Daddy❤: Happy birthday baby boy <3 you are a  person and your surprise is coming today :) I hope you like it ❤ I love you and hope you have a great day.

To: Daddy,
Thank you daddy :) ❤ and you really didn't have to get me anything but I guess I can't stop you now I love you to and I hope you have a great day as well 🌈


I smiled at my phone as I slipped on my rainbow converse and grabbed my backpack heading out the door to go spend my day with my friends.

Well then... What do you all think the surprise is? Lol :) ily all thank you all for 500+ reads and 60 votes c; it means alot 🌈 anyway I love you all and hope you have a great Day/Night :) ♥

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